Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1194

"Eric, stop and give Ann Xueyan to us."

Jiang Lingfeng looks at Eric and walks towards him.

"Shut up and try again? I don\'t mind dying together!"

Eric sent the sharp knife in his hand to the hostage\'s neck with a cruel face.

The hostage cried out in pain. Jiang Lingfeng\'s thin lips pursed gently and dared not go any further.

Glancing at an Xueyan, "an Xueyan, you can\'t escape. You\'d better catch it and try to be lenient!"

Hearing this, an Xueyan\'s eyes burst into tears.

"Jiang Lingfeng, you are so cruel! I used to love you so much, but you want to put me in prison! Wait, I won\'t let you go!"

I hate this man!

How could he be so ruthless to her!

From now on, she will no longer love him.

Even if she dies, she will take him with her!

At this time, one side of the door opened, has been observing the warmth of movement in the car, opened the door and came out.

She went to Jiang Lingfeng\'s side and looked at an Xueyan, quiet and indifferent.

Jiang Lingfeng glanced at her with soft eyebrows and eyes, and took the man into his arms.

An Xueyan stared at the love of the two people, with boundless hatred burning in his heart.

It\'s all warm, bitch!

Put her to where she is today!

If she can escape today, she must be warm, life is better than death!

"Xiaoxue, go and open the door."

Eric, holding the hostage, has retreated to his car.

An Xueyan understood, took out the key from his pocket and opened the cab door with trembling fingers.

They got into the car with a hostage, and the car roared away.

The plainclothes on the side of the road hurried to catch up.

The car drifted away, turned a corner, and soon entered the traffic flow without a trace.

Warm lips, eyes haven\'t taken back for a long time.

I don\'t know if an Xueyan will be caught.

You will.

The net of heaven is broad, careless but not leaky. Those who make mistakes will eventually be punished.

"OK, I see. We\'ll be right back."

Jiang Lingfeng answered the phone.

When the phone hung up, he took warmth, "let\'s go back. Anna sent LV Zhixuan\'s sister to the company."

Hearing the speech, warm and happy, "OK, let\'s go back quickly. I want to meet the woman named Anna and thank her."

If it weren\'t for her, she didn\'t know when to appeal her grievances.

Now, she finally doesn\'t have to carry that heavy yoke.

They got into the car, looked at Jiang Lingfeng\'s frown and held his hand warmly, "Lingfeng, what\'s the matter? Are you worried about an Xueyan\'s escape?"

Hearing the speech, Jiang Lingfeng wrapped her little hand with her backhand, and a trace of dignity flashed in her eyebrows.

"It was very easy to catch an Xueyan, but I don\'t know who tipped her off, which gave her time to escape."

This shows that she was received in the dark.

Who the hell is it?

Not many people know this plan. Is there another insider in the company?

"So it is! Ling Feng, who did you say would pick her up behind her back?"

The warm heart also sank. Looking at Jiang Lingfeng, he asked.

Jiang Lingfeng shook his head, "I don\'t know."

He asked people to check. Recently, Ann Xueyan has been with Eric and has never had private contact with anyone.

Therefore, he has no object of doubt.

This situation is a little tricky.

The enemy is in the dark and I am in the light.

He must be prepared for protection before she is caught.

Especially warm safety.