Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1193

Hearing Jiang Lingfeng\'s words, Eric\'s face changed again and again.

He clenched his fist, stared at Jiang Lingfeng with hatred, and turned the table over with a strong force.

While Jiang Lingfeng retreated, he threw his water cup at Jiang Lingfeng and ran towards the door. He slammed the door and was ready to find an Xueyan.

Jiang Lingfeng hurriedly dodged away, his face changed and hurriedly chased out.

Outside the door, plainclothes are searching for an Xueyan everywhere.

Eric knew where Ann Xueyan was. When he saw that there was plainclothes to enter the safe passage, he suddenly burst into a cold sweat.

His eyes swept around. When he saw the cleaning tools such as mops placed in the corner, he kicked them away and ran away quickly at the same time.

The light in the clubhouse was a little dark. When I heard the sound, I only saw a figure flash past, so I hurried after people.

Eric in the corner took the opportunity to go up to the first floor and go to the safe passage in the same direction.

The safe passage was dark. Eric lowered his voice and shouted hurriedly, "light snow?"

At this time, an Xueyan was hiding in the corner, trembling with fear.

When I heard Eric\'s voice, I burst into tears.

"Eric, I\'m here."

Hearing Ann Xueyan\'s response, Eric hurried to her direction and hugged the man in his arms.

"Don\'t be afraid, don\'t be afraid. I\'m here."

"Well, Eric, what shall we do now? Are they coming? Who are they coming for!"

An Xueyan\'s body was still trembling, grabbed Eric\'s clothes and asked eagerly.

"They... Are here to catch you."

Eric frowned. When he felt that Ann Xueyan was more frightened and trembling, he quickly comforted: "don\'t be afraid, Xiaoxue, I won\'t let you do anything."

Jiang Lingfeng is really a good means. He came to arrest people quietly.

"They, how could they know I killed someone? It\'s clear that the insider has been killed by your people!"

An Xueyan just thinks the sky is falling.

Is she going to be a fugitive in the future?

"Xiaoxue, this is not the time to discuss this matter. Let\'s go."

Eric didn\'t stop and ran down quickly with Ann Xueyan.

At this time, plainclothes found their trace and shouted, "stop, don\'t run!"

An Xueyan was so frightened that he almost fell down.

Eric quickly grabbed her hand, went down to the next floor, opened the safety door and rushed out.

The lower floor is still open, and employees walk through it from time to time.

Eric ran forward with an Xueyan. When he saw plainclothes rushing towards them, he immediately made a decision, grabbed a passing employee, and took out his sharp knife to put it on the employee\'s neck.

"Ah! Help!"

The sudden accident made the employees scream with fear.

"Shut up and call me again and I\'ll kill you."

Eric scolded fiercely and looked at an Xueyan at the same time, "Xiaoxue, follow me closely and I\'ll take you out."

An Xueyan was already choked with fear.

She nodded and followed Eric nervously and nervously.

Eric looked at the plainclothes coming, "stop and don\'t come any closer, or I\'ll kill her directly."

The hostage gave a timely cry, only feeling a cold whizz on his neck.

Seeing that Eric had taken the hostage in plain clothes, he could only stand and stare at him.

Hold the hostages back until Eric retreats slowly.

Outside, the men and horses led by team Liu have already been treated seriously.

But because Eric had hostages in his hand, no one dared to act rashly.

Jiang Lingfeng also ran out of the club. Seeing this scene, he couldn\'t help but look cold.