Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1192

Eric looked at the phone call and a trace of doubt flashed on his face.

Is it an Xueyan?

What can\'t I say to him face to face? I have to go outside and call him?

Something flashed in his mind. Eric frowned and answered the phone.

Before he could speak, an Xueyan\'s eager voice came from the phone.

"Eric, don\'t talk. We may have been fooled. Someone sent me a message saying there were plainclothes outside. You said, they... Who are they after?"

There are plainclothes outside!

Eric\'s eyes flashed with evil, his eyes flashed across the river Lingfeng who was looking at the contract, and asked in a deep voice, "where are you?"

"I\'m in the safe passage on the right side of the club."

"I see. Wait."

Eric hung up the phone and a trace of killing flashed in his dark blue eyes.

"President Jiang, have you signed yet?"

Did Jiang Lingfeng know his intention and then decide?

Now is not the time to investigate. He must leave with an Xueyan first.

"Mr. Eric, I advise you to stop early."

Jiang Lingfeng pushes the contract and gets up to look at Eric.

He didn\'t know who Eric had called, but his eyes had changed.

He should know something.

So there\'s no need to hide.

"Jiang Lingfeng, it seems that you are prepared to come today? Are you deceiving me?"

Eric\'s neck twisted and his face was full of ferocity.

"Yes, my wife is safe. I\'m just lying to you."

Jiang Lingfeng didn\'t deny it and nodded calmly.


Eric was furious. His dark blue eyes stared at Jiang Lingfeng as if he wanted to eat people.

"What a LV Zhixuan! He dares to lie to me! He will regret it. I must make his life and his sister worse than death!"

Damn LV Zhixuan, he was plotted!

"Mr. Eric, LV Zhixuan\'s sister has been rescued by my people. I am entrusted to let you go today, but I advise you again to take care of yourself and the opportunity will not be left to you again."

Jiang Lingfeng didn\'t tell Anna, but he would give the advice he should give.

At this time, the private room door was pushed open with a bang, and plainclothes rushed over.

Led by Liu Dui, he looked around and didn\'t find an Xueyan\'s figure. He couldn\'t help frowning.

"President Jiang, where is an Xueyan?"

"She said she went to the bathroom and hasn\'t come back yet."

Jiang Lingfeng said, "I think someone may have tipped her off."

Otherwise, it can\'t be such a coincidence that an Xueyan will suddenly leave in a panic.

"Don\'t worry, it\'s all our people inside and outside. She can\'t escape."

Liu team comforted him, glanced sharply at Eric, didn\'t say much, and turned to signal others to search for an Xueyan.

Eric was angry and surprised. "Are you here to catch Xiaoxue?"

He thought that the illegal industries he did were eventually discovered, so Haicheng police came to arrest him, but they didn\'t want to. Their goal was an Xueyan.

"Mr. Eric, you are not from our country, and our police have no evidence of your breaking the law in our country, so we have no right to detain you. However, please remember that those who have done bad things will eventually get retribution. Just like Ann Xueyan, she killed and planted, and will be brought to justice sooner or later."

That\'s why he promised Anna to let Eric go.

He is not a native, even if they let the police detain him.

It\'s better to sell Anna a face and let her take Eric home.