Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1191

Jiang Lingfeng, with a cold face, sat opposite them and said in a deep tone, "say it, don\'t waste time!"

"Ha ha, President Jiang, let\'s take a look at this contract first."

Eric took an Xueyan and threw a contract to Jiang Lingfeng.

Jiang Lingfeng took it and turned it over, and the sarcasm in his eyes flashed by.

Sure enough, Eric wanted to settle in Jiangshi group and make the highest profit at the lowest cost.

"Mr. Eric, I\'ve heard that you often walk a tightrope in your domestic industrial chain. Do you think I may cooperate with you and put Jiang\'s on the dead end?"

Jiang Lingfeng closed the contract and said coldly.

"Ha ha, President Jiang is upright, but don\'t forget that only I can solve the poison in your wife\'s body. That\'s the latest product I\'ve developed. Without my antidote, your wife may not be able to leave me all her life."

Eric smiled meaningfully and looked like he had a winning ticket.

President Jiang\'s face became more gloomy, and his eyes stared at Eric darkly, as if he were in a fierce struggle, but in fact he was waiting for the arrival of team Liu.

An Xueyan opposite looked at Jiang Lingfeng obsessed. "Lingfeng, don\'t hesitate to cooperate with us. I guarantee that Jiang will become the most famous enterprise in the world. What\'s more, don\'t you love warmth? Can you watch her have an accident?"

Hurry up.

As long as he nods, she will have an excuse to get along with him day and night.

Jiang Lingfeng glanced at her and said, "you killed Jiang Nan?"

Coldly asked about it, an Xueyan\'s smile froze and a flash of panic flashed in her eyes.

"I... I don\'t know what you\'re talking about."

Why did he suddenly ask about it?

Did you find anything?


Jiang Nan is dead, and the only insider has been killed. No one can know that Jiang Nan was killed by her.

He must be deceiving her.

"President Jiang, don\'t talk about anything else. Do you sign or not?"

Eric\'s face cooled and began to get impatient.

Jiang Lingfeng takes his eyes back from an Xueyan\'s face and glances at Eric again. He doesn\'t speak, but takes his pen and slowly turns over the contract.

Even if he signs, he won\'t have another chance to cooperate with him.

An Xueyan on the opposite side was still immersed in Jiang Lingfeng\'s words, with an absent-minded face.

The cell phone at hand beeped.

An Xueyan glanced carelessly and his heart jumped.

She quickly picked up her cell phone and looked through it. Her fingertips were shaking.

The message said, "there\'s plain clothes outside."

Plain clothes!

What\'s going on?

An Xueyan raised his eyes and stared at Jiang Lingfeng who was looking at the contract. His question flashed in his mind.

Does Jiang Lingfeng really have any evidence, so he took the opportunity to let someone catch her?

So, is this Jiang Lingfeng\'s game today?

An Xueyan\'s heart was beating wildly and suddenly stood up, "I\'ll go to the bathroom."

Hearing the speech, Jiang Lingfeng\'s hand, which is preparing to write, slightly pauses. He raises his eyes to look at an Xueyan, and sees her walking quickly to the door.

"Xiaoxue, isn\'t there a bathroom in here?"

Eric was stunned and asked.

In response to him, an Xueyan closed the door.

Jiang Lingfeng frowned slightly, and something flashed in his mind.

Just now he heard the message, and then an Xueyan ran out in a panic.

No, is there a tip off?

Few people know about this plan. Who will tip off?

Jiang Lingfeng\'s eyebrows were deep and he was thinking. A mobile phone rang in the room.

It\'s Eric\'s cell phone!