Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1145

Jiang Lingfeng\'s villa.

In the dim light, on such a big bed, men and women hug each other and sleep.

The woman\'s 3000 green silk was scattered on the pillow, and the man\'s healthy arm passed through her neck and hugged her in his arms with an absolute possessive attitude.

The morning breeze gently brushed the slightly transparent screen window, and the woman\'s thick eyelashes trembled and slowly opened her eyes.

"Well, I\'m thirsty."

The hoarse voice line, with the laziness of just waking up, softens Jiang Lingfeng\'s heart.

He also just woke up, with a satisfied smile on his face, kissed his warm face, got out of bed and poured her a glass of water.

"Wife, get up and drink water."

Jiang Lingfeng picked up the warmth and handed the water to her lips.

Warmth, ignoring words, took the water cup and drank up the water in the cup in one breath.

The sound of gudu gudu sounded, and Jiang Lingfeng chuckled and clipped her show hair behind her ears.

"Don\'t worry, drink slowly."

They came home last night.

He knew that he was too anxious. He ate her dry and wiped her off.

But I can\'t blame him.

A long drought brings rain.

He\'s holding it!

"You still laugh!"

Warm handed the water cup to Jiang Lingfeng. Apricot eyes stared at him, and there was still a beautiful color moistened by men between his eyebrows and eyes.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s smile is bigger.

He put the water cup on the table, lifted the quilt, sat on the bed, put the man in his arms and kissed her hair.

"Wife, I\'m happy."

"Hum, you\'re happy. I\'m falling apart!"

With warm red lips, she pinched his strong arm muscles.

"Wife, who makes you taste so good? All right, let your husband rub it for you? Is it sour here or here?"

Jiang Lingfeng softened the voice line and rubbed her waist line with his big palm.

Knead, knead, and feel restlessly.

His warm and pretty face turned red and hurriedly pulled out his hand, "Jiang Lingfeng, you want me to die!"

Someone has been a hungry wolf for hundreds of years. She didn\'t know when she passed out last night.

If she does it again, she\'ll have to stop.

"Wife, haven\'t you heard of it? There are only tired cows and no ploughed fields."

Jiang Lingfeng\'s face was joking. When someone came down, he hugged the woman in his arms. "However, his wife is big, and everything depends on his wife."

His little woman, don\'t be teased by him.

Warmth rolled his eyes at him, but his heart was sweet.

The man\'s mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter.

The stomach grunted and there was a cry of hunger.

Warm show eyebrow a twist, busy covered his belly.

Do more exercise and your stomach is protesting.


"What do you say?"

When I got home last night, I was caught in bed after a few mouthfuls of rice and began to work.

Can she not be hungry?

"I\'ll make you breakfast."

Jiang Lingfeng spoiled her with a smile, rubbed her hair, got out of bed and strode away.

Lying warm in the quilt, smelling the man\'s breath left by the quilt, I bent my lips.

She finally came back.

Back to his warm nest.

I hope everything in the past will disappear.

I hope she and he will be happy in the years to come.

Will it?

Warm, staring at the ceiling overhead in a daze.

Dusqing\'s lonely expression flashed through his mind when he left the small villa yesterday.

A faint feeling of apology came into my heart. I sighed warmly, closed my eyes with a hard heart and didn\'t think about him.

Open her eyes again, she took out her cell phone and turned the news.

When I saw one of the news, warm winked and sat up quickly.

The Xu family is bankrupt!

Xu\'s husband and wife were put in prison. Xu Jiaojiao\'s whereabouts are unknown. Xu\'s enterprise was acquired by Jiang Lingfeng, and the new CEO is Xu Jingxi.

This is really great news!

The warm nasal cavity is a little sour.

She hurriedly raised her eyes and pressed down the tears at the bottom of her eyes.

"Dad, did you see that? The bad guys finally got retribution. Under the nine springs, you can rest in peace!"