Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1146

Fu family villa.

Xia Ling looked at the arrival of her good friend and hugged her excitedly.

"Warm, fortunately you\'re all right. I finally see you again."

The warmth is hugged by Xia Ling, and the mood is also very excited.

Thinking of what happened during this period of time, she was really filled with emotion.

"It\'s good, ling\'er. We\'re all fine."

"Uh huh, sit down and let me look at you carefully."

Xia Ling loosened her warmth and took her to sit down on the sofa.

They looked at each other and burst out laughing at the same time.

"Ling\'er, I haven\'t changed. What are you doing staring at me like this? It\'s you. Should I call you ling\'er or Lan\'er?"

Warm took the lead in opening his mouth and jokingly touched Xia Ling\'s face.

Xia Ling smiled, touched her face and sighed, "warm, do you think it\'s a deep sisterly love? I didn\'t expect you to find it when I didn\'t remember."

"Yes, it\'s all destined."

Warm smiled and joked, "I said, we are difficult sisters who have a good heart. If something happens to you, I will never be idle."

Hearing this, Xia Ling nodded, held her warm hand and said, "warm, sorry, because I almost hurt you..."

Because of her, Xiaxi sent someone to crash, almost killing warm and dusqing.

Fortunately, her good sister was finally fine.

"It\'s not your fault to say something stupid."

Warm Jiao said angrily, "I said, it\'s all destiny."

She was destined to suffer this ordeal.

Fortunately, everything is over.

"Well, don\'t talk about the past."

Xia Ling forked a piece of fruit and handed it to wennuan. "Wennuan, now you\'re back. What\'s your plan next?"

What are your plans?

With a warm smile and a sigh, "I haven\'t thought about it yet. I have a stain on my body, and the music industry can\'t stand. But I don\'t know what else I can do except music."

Hit people, scandal ridden, she can\'t sing like she used to.

But she seems to have no skill except singing.

I don\'t know what else I can do.

"Don\'t know what to do? Just be a full-time wife and serve your family, Jiang Lingfeng."

Xia Ling joked.

With a warm little eyebrow, he glanced up and down at Xia Ling, "ha ha, just like you are now?"

"Ha ha, I don\'t! You don\'t know, I\'m helping Yunting design."

Xia Ling\'s happy face.

Seeing this, he tickled her warmly and pretended to be angry. "Oh, you let me be a full-time wife instead of a full-time wife and were still busy doing design? Linger, what\'s your heart? Do you want to see me become a yellow faced woman quickly!"

"Ha ha, no, no, I\'m wrong."

Xia Ling begged for mercy again and again, holding her warm hand tightly to keep her from moving.

They leaned back on the sofa laughing.

Xia Ling looked at the warmth, After thinking for a while, he said: "Warm, I think if you don\'t want to be a full-time wife at home, you should go behind the scenes. You have a talent for music. Besides singing, you can also make words and music. You might as well go to Fengyun media. In this way, you can realize your music dream and keep an eye on your husband all the time. No, I\'m wrong. Your family is a crazy man and doesn\'t need you Staring, it should be said that you can sprinkle dog food all the time. "