Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1144

Xu family.

Xu Jiaojiao is brushing the news.

When she saw the reporters blocking several people at home, but several people said those words, Xu Jiaojiao threw her mobile phone onto the sofa.

Jiang Lingfeng, is he stupid?

Is it fun to be a green haired turtle?

Warm and dusqingdu have lived together for so long, and he still keeps warm without blinking?

Xu Jiaojiao was so angry that she threw all the pillows on one side to the ground.

"Warm that little bitch, what\'s good about her? Jiang Lingfeng, you green haired turtle!"

Xu Jiaojiao scolded Jiang Lingfeng, and her face twisted for a while.

At this time, the door opened with a bang, and Qin Fen hurried back.

"Jiao Jiao, go with mom, mom will take you abroad."

In a word, Xu Jiaojiao frowned and said impatiently, "Mom, what are you doing? Why are you taking me abroad?"

"Your father\'s company has an accident and the Xu family is going bankrupt. What are you doing here?"

Qin Fen took Xu Jiaojiao\'s hand and motioned her to go back to the room with her.

"What? Mom, you let go and make it clear to me."

Xu Jiaojiao was shocked and threw Qin Fen\'s hand away.

Qin Fen calmed her mood and said eagerly, "you don\'t know yet. Your father just auctioned a piece of land. But that piece of land is problematic and can\'t be developed at all. And your father invested most of his working capital in this project. Now the company\'s capital turnover is poor and will face bankruptcy."

Hearing this, Xu Jiaojiao looked disapproval.

"Isn\'t it just a piece of land? With dad\'s ability, it\'s OK to find someone to finance!"

Although she doesn\'t understand things in the mall, over the years, her father\'s ability is. She believes it\'s impossible to go bankrupt because of the mistake of a piece of land.

"The key is that your father\'s scandal is fermenting. The relevant departments have gone to the company and are about to take him away for investigation. At this time, no one is willing to inject capital into Xu."

Qin Fen\'s face was gloomy. "Jiao Jiao, someone is behind us. This time, the Xu family is really going to be over. Go with your mother."

She just came back from the company. It\'s a mess.

She was so frightened that she didn\'t know if she would be taken away for questioning.

Because many projects of the company have been wiped out, and she and Xu Bingkun are one of them.

Once Xu Bingkun has an accident, she is bound to have an accident.

So she sneaked back and hurried out of here with her daughter while she still had some money.

"Someone is in our house? Who can it be?"

Xu Jiaojiao\'s face changed. Thinking of some possibility, she shouted, "it must be Jiang Lingfeng again! It\'s the ghost he did behind his back! He\'s venting for warmth! Mom, what can dad do as soon as we leave!"

"At this time, what are you worried about him doing? Hurry up and go with mom."

"But Dad, he..."

Xu Jiaojiao was in a hurry and panic. When she was at a loss, the door was knocked.

Qin Fen and Xu Jiaojiao stepped in and watched the servant open the door. A few men in uniform came in.

Several people came to Qin Fen with a serious face, "Hello, Ms. Qin Fen, you are suspected of making false accounts for Xu\'s enterprise. Please come with us to cooperate with the investigation."

"No, I didn\'t. Xu Bingkun told me to do everything. I don\'t know anything."

Qin Fen turned pale and directly blamed Xu Bingkun.

"If you have anything to say, please go to the bureau with us."

"No, Jiao Jiao, help mom."

Qin Fen wanted to resist, but was taken away by law enforcement officers according to law.

"Mom, mom!"

Xu Jiaojiao panicked and watched Qin Fen taken away. She quickly found her mobile phone from the sofa and dialed Xu Bingkun.

No one answered the phone. Xu Jiaojiao was so anxious that she dialed assistant Xu Bingkun again.

As soon as the phone was connected, assistant Xu Bingkun hurriedly said, "Miss, come to the company quickly. Someone wants to buy our company, and no one in the company can decide."

"What? Acquiring Xu family? Who wants to acquire Xu family?"

"Haicheng Jiangshi enterprise!"


Jiang Lingfeng!

It\'s really Jiang Lingfeng!

Xu Jiaojiao\'s mobile phone fell to the ground with a slap, and her eyes were full of hate.

"Jiang Lingfeng, warm, I\'m at odds with you!"