Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1143

Jiang Lingfeng\'s temperament was cold, and his words made reporters dare not make a mistake.

They looked at dusqing again and didn\'t forget that he didn\'t give an answer.

"Mr. Du, you haven\'t answered our question."

"Yes, Mr. Du, why don\'t you say anything? Don\'t you admit that what Miss Du just said is true?"


Lin Ke\'er\'s palm was wet. She looked at Du Siqing and didn\'t know how he would answer.

Will you follow her words or deny it directly?

She is selfish.

Privately, I want to use this way to claim that they are lovers.

It seems happy to deceive yourself and others like this.

Lin Ke\'er thought wildly and heard dusqing open his mouth.

"What just Ke\'er said is true. She and I are really boyfriend and girlfriend. The reason why I didn\'t admit my relationship with her at the first time is to protect her reputation. You know, she just made her debut. I don\'t want to trouble her because of her and me."

He admitted it!

It also made it clear why they did not disclose their relationship, which further increased their credibility.

Lin Ke\'er\'s Apricot eyes brightened and his heart was full of excitement.

Even if I knew what he said was false, I was very excited.

"Well, everyone, you have done the interview. We won\'t leave you here. Please go back."

Lin Ke\'er put his hands together and asked everyone to leave.

Xu Fei also appeared. He glanced at Jiang Lingfeng. When he received his eye signal, he quickly asked the reporter to leave in order.

Lin Ke\'er took DUS back home, hurriedly closed the door, patted his chest and breathed.

"God, how did these reporters find here?"

"Yes! Fortunately, you react quickly."

Warm smile, eyes swept over the two, but I hope what they just said is true.

Dusqing didn\'t speak, and the expression on his face couldn\'t see what he was thinking.

"There were fans yesterday and reporters today. I think someone is behind the scenes."

Jiang Lingfeng opened his mouth and the faint light in his sharp eyes flashed by.

"Who would it be?" Warm looked at Jiang Lingfeng and asked.

"It should be the Xu family."

Jiang Lingfeng\'s thin lips slightly hooked and glanced at his watch. "Wait, no matter how you jump, you won\'t jump for long!"

When the Xu family is solved, he should take his wife home.

Jiang Lingfeng tightened his warm shoulder, looked down at her and said in a low voice, "wife, we should go home."

Time to go home?

Jiang Lingfeng once again put forward this proposal.

The warm hand pinched tightly and wanted to nod, but his eyes subconsciously looked at Du Siqing opposite.

Dusqing was staring at her face, and there was a flash of disappointment on her warm face.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s black eyes narrowed slightly and his face was unhappy.

He wants to take his wife home. Is it difficult for him to always ask for Du Siqing\'s advice?

If he doesn\'t agree, he can\'t take his wife home?

Glancing at Lin Ke\'er opposite, his eyes were sharp and showed strong requirements.

Lin Ke\'er understood Jiang Lingfeng\'s eyes.

Her boss wants her to speak.

"Well, Siqing, now that the reporters have found here, you will not have a peaceful life here. I think we might as well go back."

Hearing Lin Ke\'er\'s words, Du Siqing knew it was this reason.

What\'s more, even if he keeps his warmth and has a Jiang Lingfeng, does he have to watch them show their love and sprinkle dog food all the time?

Isn\'t that for abuse?

DUS was upset and didn\'t answer a few people. He just asked, "can I have breakfast? I\'m hungry."

"You can eat, Qing. I\'ll help you sit there."

Lin Ke\'er hurried to him and wanted to hold him, but he turned aside.

"No, I\'m not in my 70s and 80s."

Lin Ke\'er: "

Is he angry?

Are you angry that she talks nonsense in front of reporters, or are you angry that she helps Jiang Lingfeng?

Lin Ke\'er was a little dejected.

When her arm was heavy, she turned her head to her side and smiled encouragingly at the warmth.

Lin Ke\'er bent his lips and didn\'t say much.

Like a person, she has to learn to bear!