Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1138

In the room, four people sat quietly on the table.

Jiang Lingfeng is close to the warmth, his right hand is holding the warm left hand, and his expression is relaxed.

The opposite dusqing was silent, but everyone could see that he was in a bad mood at this time.

Lin Ke\'er put the dishes in order, looked at several people and smiled, "eat first. If you have anything to say, talk after dinner."

The atmosphere is delicate, but this day will come.

Warm and Jiang Lingfeng are husband and wife. They can\'t never meet again.

"After dinner, I\'ll leave with warm."

Jiang Lingfeng\'s deep voice sounded with a consistent indisputable voice.

Du Siqing took his chopsticks and unconsciously squeezed them tightly.

Glancing at warm, the voice restrained, "Xiao warm, have you decided? Have you decided to go back with him?"

She has a heart knot.

But he has only been here for half a day. Has her heart knot been opened?


Warm opened his mouth. When he touched dusqing\'s starlike eyes, his throat was blocked and speechless.

She knew that Du Siqing didn\'t want her to go back with Jiang Lingfeng.

He was her lifesaver, and she deserved to listen to him.

But she

The strength in the hand increased, and the warm side head touched Jiang Lingfeng\'s deep eyes.

Her man is urging her to go back.

By now, she should have gone back with him.


One side is the life-saving benefactor, and the other is his own man.

It\'s hard on both sides.

"Well, President Jiang, this is my hometown. The folk customs are very simple and the scenery outside is also very beautiful. Why don\'t you stay first, stay for a night or two, and then go back, and you\'ll be a tourist, okay?"

Lin Ke\'er on the opposite side saw the embarrassment with a warm face, and his apricot eyes moved slightly and played a round game.

Jiang Lingfeng frowned, and his black eyes glanced coolly at Lin Ke\'er. His face was full of displeasure.

To travel?

Don\'t you know he can\'t wait to take his wife home?

Lin Ke\'er smiled at Jiang Ling and then smiled at the warmth. The meaning is self-evident.

She\'s kind. Don\'t make things too stiff.

Also give everyone a cushion.

Jiang Lingfeng understood Lin Ke\'er\'s hint, and his thin lips pursed slightly, "yes."

As soon as the words came out, he could obviously feel warmth and relief.

She glanced gratefully at Lin Ke\'er, looked sideways at Jiang Lingfeng and bent her lips towards him.

The strength of the hand is slightly loose, and the man\'s slender fingers are scratching her finger skin.

It\'s gentle and soft, like a kitten\'s claw, which makes people itch.

The warm corners of his mouth were tilted and he was busy drooping his head.

He wanted to break away from his hand, but he held it tightly.

This man, do you want to let go!

It\'s time to eat!

"Eat, eat!"

When the matter was over, Lin Ke\'er warmly greeted him and said, "President Jiang, the dishes are all home-made dishes, but they are better than fresh. Try them quickly."

Jiang Lingfeng sat motionless, but looked sideways at the woman with a slightly hot face, with a low voice, "warm, feed me."

Warm: "

Lin Ke\'er: "

Someone, show love is not like this!

"Jiang Lingfeng, don\'t make trouble."

"No trouble, my hand hurts."

"Nonsense, do you want to eat?"

"Then I\'ll feed you."


Men and women are flirting and scolding.

It is the intimate interaction between lovers.

Dusqing\'s face was very ugly, and his chest was so depressed that he couldn\'t breathe.

He knew she was leaving with him.

He is willing to pay, but still can\'t get a response.

There is an extra dish of chopsticks on the bowl.

Du Siqing looked at the owner of chopsticks and touched Lin Ke\'er\'s eyes.

She bent her lips and didn\'t speak. She just ate delicately without words.