Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1137

A woman\'s voice is like anger and Jiao, and her expression is no longer sad and desperate.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s eyes and heart moved slightly, and his mood fluctuated.

They walked hand in hand. Of course, he was familiar with his daughter-in-law\'s frown and smile. What did they mean.

Now she seems still angry, but in fact she forgives herself and wants to give herself another chance, right?

Countless joys sprang up in my heart.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s slender fingers gently lifted her chin, and her eyebrows were full of strong feelings.

"Wife, believe me, I won\'t lie to you if I lie to anyone. Otherwise, I\'ll dissect my heart for you to see if he just beats for you?"

"Oh, run the train with your mouth full, then you\'ll show me!"

Warm head, moist eyes still floating fog.

A red lip was slightly tooting, shining because it was sipped.

This is the woman he loves.

After waiting so long, she finally took care of herself.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s black eyes are full of affectionate warmth, and infinite tenderness is surging in his heart.

"Wife, I\'ll prove it to you."

Tilt your head and cover your thin lips in an instant.

A sigh, with the joy of satisfaction.

Suddenly kissed, warm eyes widened, feeling the tenderness of men\'s love, and the heart softened bit by bit.

She could feel his love for herself.

And she also loves him!

He hugged his waist with both hands, closed his eyes warmly, and felt the man\'s gentle and affectionate kiss.

I don\'t know how long later, the sound of high heels came, as well as the voice of men and women.

"Hey, don\'t go there yet."

"Who are you? Stay away from me."


The sound

Warm suddenly opened his eyes and hurriedly pushed away Jiang Lingfeng.

She seemed to hear the voices of Lin Ke\'er and Xu Fei.

Xu Fei is preventing Lin Ke\'er from approaching.

Warmth poked his head out of Jiang Lingfeng\'s arms and saw Lin Ke\'er blinking a pair of apricot eyes and looking at her with a smile.

It\'s really Lin Ke\'er!

Looking at her smiling appearance, I think I saw the scene of her hugging and kissing with Jiang Lingfeng just now.

"Oh, I\'m so sorry. No wonder that boy wants to stop me from approaching. Well, you go on, just think I don\'t exist."

Lin Ke\'er smiled, pointed to the gate and stepped on high heels.

Welfare is interrupted. Jiang Lingfeng looks unhappy and shoots his eyes at Lin Ke\'er and Xu Fei.

Xu Fei touched his nose and looked innocent.

He\'s done his duty to keep the wind on both of them, okay?

Warm little face flushed, stared at Jiang Lingfeng, and quickly walked to Lin Ke\'er, "Ke\'er, why are you back now?"

"Aren\'t I worried about you two?"

Lin Ke\'er said angrily, "I don\'t know how many calls I made to you two, but none of you paid attention to me. What, did anyone make trouble? Are you two okay?"

After a pause, she glanced at Jiang Lingfeng and joked: "I guess it should be all right. After all, the boss comes forward and one is the top two."

I know from this situation that the misunderstanding between the two people should be explained clearly.

Are they leaving here?

And Du Siqing, the mood should not be very beautiful now.

"Come on, let\'s talk in the house."

Warm pursed his lips and pulled Lin Ke\'er into the house.

"Well, tell me if someone is making trouble? I received a message that someone incited Siqing\'s fans to see you in this area. I guess it must be the counterattack of the Xu family."

"Well, there are fans to make trouble, but it\'s all right."
