Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1139

At night, the quiet villa is silent.

In the room, Jiang Lingfeng looked at the woman pouting her hips and making a bed for him, with black eyes.

They are husband and wife. Why do they sleep separately!

Do you know that he thinks she can\'t sleep?

"Well, you have an early rest."

Warm, make the bed, turn around and touch someone\'s dark eyes like the deep sea, with the danger of aggression.

She knows that look very well!

Warm almond eyes glittered and pointed to the door, "then I\'ll go back to my room to sleep?"

When the sound fell, a healthy arm was wrapped around his waist.

"Warm, we are husband and wife. Stay with me."

The man\'s mellow and magnetic voice is full of love.

The hot air blew on her face and itched to the bottom of her heart.

Warm little face slightly hot, hands against his broad chest, "don\'t fool around, is this someone else\'s home?"

How anxious this man is!

"Lin Ke\'er won\'t mind."

"Jiang Lingfeng!"

"Call your husband."

Jiang Lingfeng looked at the woman\'s angry little face, raised his hand and stroked her hair. His black eyes were full of tenderness, "call my husband and I\'ll bear it."

Warm: "

The man said how wronged he was.

Haven\'t you satisfied him in recent months?

Isn\'t Ann Xueyan his gossip girlfriend?

No, no, she doesn\'t want to think about those bad things on such a night.

She should believe in him, shouldn\'t she?

"Husband, is it OK?"

"No, call a kiss husband."

"Kiss your husband."

"Then you\'re kissing."

Warm: "

How does she feel that someone is becoming more and more childish!

His heart was soft and warm. He stood on tiptoe and printed a kiss on his thin lips.

Just wanted to separate, but the waist was tightly imprisoned.

The touch on the lips is aggravated, with a burning passion.

Bei\'s teeth were gently pried open with deep love

The warm body is hot and drowsy. People have been lying in bed.

The man hugged her and set fire to her with his big hands, which ignited the surging desire.

"Well, no..."

There is still a little residual reason left in the warmth. I press someone\'s hands that make trouble everywhere, and my chest fluctuates constantly.

A woman\'s eyes are as beautiful as silk, and her red lips glow with a kiss.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s eyes were dark and his throat rolled slightly, trying to calm his inner clamor.

Slightly sideways, he lay on her side and held the man tightly in his arms.

"Wife, miss me!"

It\'s good. It\'s nearly half a year. He can finally go to sleep with his woman in his arms.

Although he ate it secretly not long ago, it was like stealing it.

Inexplicable heart deficiency and shortness of breath.

A man\'s chest fluctuates.

Because of emotion, the temperature around the body is very high.

The warmth was held in his arms, and his heart could be clearly felt beating violently.

Bang bang.

Strong and powerful, shaking her heart.

The warmth bent the corners of his lips, turned around and put a ring around his waist.

Smelling the fragrance of men he knew, her heart was at peace.

She should have a good sleep tonight!

On the other side, the Xu family.

Xu Jiaojiao followed the call from her assistant, her eyes full of cold.

"Fans are driven away? Jiang Lingfeng appears? Good! Tomorrow, let the news about that bitch continue to ferment! Reporters should be very interested in the news of these three people. Jiang Lingfeng is willing to be a green haired turtle, so let them be exposed to the public!"