Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1136

"Warm, I\'ve never thought so."

Jiang Lingfeng straightened up, with some anxiety in his black eyes. "Believe me, no matter who the child is, as long as it\'s born to you, I treat it as my own."

The eagerness in men\'s eyes is not pretended.

Warm lips, unable to speak.

She believed what he said.

But what she heard that day was

The feeling of heartache spread again, and tears blurred my eyes again.

The thought of what he said on the phone that day made her heart ache.

"Warm, don\'t cry! My heart will break when you cry."

Jiang Lingfeng\'s eyes were full of pity and hurriedly helped her wipe her tears.

The warm touch on the hand sent warm tears like rain.

"Liar, you\'re a liar at all. I heard you say that your favorite person is an Xueyan. You\'re too tired with me. You mind about me and elder martial brother. You\'re relieved to lose your child!"

It\'s terrible.

The scar in my heart was torn bigger, and the pain spread to my whole body.

Warm sobbing, heartily releasing the inner pain.

If she hadn\'t heard those words, she wouldn\'t have died.

Will not leave recklessly, and finally hurt dusqing.

How did he say that?

It really hurts her!

"No, I never said that!"

Jiang Lingfeng looked worried and stretched out his hand to swear, "warm, I swear to God, those words are not what I said at all. If I said those words, I will be thundered by the sky..."

Before he finished, warm hurriedly covered his mouth with his hand, and apricot eyes looked at him with tears.

She didn\'t want him to swear.

She loves him.

She didn\'t want to hear him curse herself.


"Didn\'t you say those words? But the voice is yours. I won\'t hear you wrong."

What the hell is going on?

She wants to find out.

"Warm, give me some time, and I will find out the truth and give you an explanation."

A trace of tenderness flashed in Jiang Lingfeng\'s black eyes. He held her hand and put it in his heart.

These two days, he hurried back to Haicheng and asked people to extract the monitoring information when he met with an Xueyan in the club that day.

The monitoring at that time showed that several people appeared in the picture with an Xueyan at the same time.

One of them, an Xueyan, respected his attitude.

He asked people to check the identities of those people one by one.

The man\'s identity is suspicious.


Why did an Xueyan invite a hypnotist to enter the club with her?

What is her purpose?

Thinking of the information provided by warmth, maybe it\'s the ghost that this man did in it!

He has sent someone to find the man\'s whereabouts.

As long as we find him, we may be able to solve the truth.

Looking at the firmness in the man\'s eyes and the cold flash when thinking, the warm heart gradually opens.

Maybe she believed him in her heart.

It just takes a little time to digest.

The client also needs to lend her a hug to make her complain.

Now, the most important thing about her has been made clear, and the heavy burden on her heart seems to have been removed.

Suddenly relieved.


Warm sucked his nose. Don\'t go over and don\'t look at him.

"Man\'s words, deceitful ghost, I don\'t want to believe your nonsense anymore."

Although I really want to jump into his arms now, she is a woman and should be reserved.

What\'s more, she wanted to play coquettish on him and see him get angry for her and coax her to be happy.

She It\'s really evil!