Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1135

"Go home? President Jiang, don\'t you see? Xiao Nuan hasn\'t decided whether to go home with you. Please don\'t rush her."

Du Siqing looked at Jiang Lingfeng and said.

Jiang Lingfeng glanced at him and ignored him. He just looked at the warm and drooping eyebrows and rolled his emotions in his heart.

"Warm, don\'t think about it any more. I didn\'t want to appear in front of you so soon. I wanted to look at you quietly behind my back. However, I miss you very much. I can\'t pretend to hide in the dark and peep. Warm, you\'re my wife. You live here... It\'s not safe. Will you come home with me?"

He actually wants to say that she is his wife. What\'s the matter with living with other men all the time?

But when it came to his mouth, he said something else.

After all, dusqing was her savior.

Everything is due to his incompetence.

He can\'t blame anyone else.

"Isn\'t it safe here? President Jiang, is it safe for warm to go back with you? If it was safe to go back with you, warm wouldn\'t have run away. After all, not every family has such a cruel mother-in-law."

Dusqing opened his mouth again, and there was no lack of ridicule in his words.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s face sank and his whole body was cold.

Even if he is a warm life-saving benefactor, he is about to lose control of his temper.

After all, no one can stand that when he is asking his wife to change his mind, someone is always fanning the flames and making sarcastic remarks.

Knowing that Jiang Lingfeng\'s patience was approaching the limit, Wenwen hurriedly took him out.

"Elder martial brother, I\'ll go out to chat with him."

They went out of the door hand in hand.

DUS opened his mouth, but he couldn\'t say anything.

He unconsciously clenched his fist. He sighed and felt that the sour and sweet taste of tangerine peel in his mouth had changed.

Become bitter and difficult to swallow.

Outside, Jiang Lingfeng was held by warmth and wanted to release his hand, but he held it tightly with his backhand.

The temperature on her hand burned her heart.

Warm biting his lips, slowly raised his eyes and looked at the man in front of him.

Countless emotions flashed in the beautiful apricot eyes. Standing without saying a word made people panic.

Jiang Lingfeng pulled the man into his arms and hugged her tightly.

"Warm, I miss you so much."

For nearly half a year, he can finally hold her and tell his mind.

He misses her. Why doesn\'t she miss him?

The warm nasal cavity was sour and almost burst into tears.

A man\'s low whisper came from his ear.

"Sorry, it\'s all my fault. I\'m incompetent and screwed everything up. I\'m really sorry!"

He\'s telling her I\'m sorry.

The man in front of him was cold, arrogant and expensive. At the moment, his tone was full of apology and said sorry to her again and again.

The warm heart wrenched and felt sorry and sad.

Enduring the sour and astringent nasal cavity, she asked, "Why are you sorry for me?"

"I\'m sorry for you everywhere."

Where his wife said he was wrong, he was wrong.

There is no second word.

"Is this a perfunctory remark?"

Warm tooted red lips and said.

Jiang Lingfeng was stunned and held her tighter.

"I dare not. Wife, I know that the matter of children is the biggest pain in your heart. It\'s my incompetence. I didn\'t protect our children. I\'m sorry."

The loss of children is the biggest fuse.

He must admit the mistake first.

"Our child? Maybe the child isn\'t yours at all? Shouldn\'t you thank your mother?"

The scab of the wound was uncovered again.

Some are bloody and painful.