Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1134

There are only two big men left in the spacious hall.

The four eyes are opposite, like an invisible flame blooming.

"President Jiang, you\'re all right. Please sit down. I\'ll ask Xiao Nuan to make you a pot of tea later."

Du Siqing sat on the chair and reached out and sat in an inviting position.

In this way, it\'s like the host\'s posture of entertaining guests.

And make him a pot of tea?

Do you really think you can stay with his woman like this?

deceive oneself and others!

Jiang Lingfeng hissed in his heart and sat on the chair beside him with his thin lips.

For the sake of her life-saving benefactor, he can\'t bear it!

"Thank you for saving wennuan. It\'s been four months and you haven\'t recovered yet? I know a physician. I\'ll bring it to help you another day."

He already knows what happened.

Dusqing took the place of warmth to prevent the disaster.

He will always remember this kindness.

Therefore, he will not care about his concealment of the truth and live in a corner of the small villa with warmth.

This is what their husband and wife owe him.

"No, with xiaonuan\'s careful care, my body is all right."

Dusqing refused.

"Is it really all right? Then, should you come out again so that the professor won\'t worry and your fans won\'t worry."

Jiang Lingfeng looked at Du Siqing, and the expression on his face didn\'t change much.

But dusqing\'s face changed.

"I don\'t have to worry about President Jiang."

He knew that Jiang Lingfeng was implying that he would take away the warmth.

They should all go back to their original tracks.

He doesn\'t need to be reminded.

"Si Qing..."

"Elder martial brother, here you are."

Warmth came out of the room with a box in his hand and interrupted Jiang Lingfeng\'s words.

Jiang Lingfeng swallowed his words and watched Du Siqing take the box, take an orange peel from the middle, peel the paper and put it into his mouth to chew.

The vinegar in my heart began to expand again.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s throat rolled slightly and looked at the woman\'s side face. He got up and gently opened his thin lips, "warm, go out with me and let\'s talk."

I can\'t see it anymore.

Even if it was her life-saving benefactor, he could not bear to see him call her by his own injury.

Want to talk to her.

Warm red lips, slightly pursed, slightly drooping eyes and not talking.

Seeing this, Du Siqing smiled gently: "if you have anything, just talk here. I\'m not an outsider. Xiao Nuan, you say yes."

He\'s going to make a big light gun?

Jiang Lingfeng frowned and looked at her warm side face, waiting for her to make a decision.

Warm lips, silent, looked up at Jiang Lingfeng.

"Is Xu Fei your man?"

Since people are in front of her, she will ask clearly.


"So you let out all the scandals about the Xu family?"


There was no denial. She guessed right.

It was Jiang Lingfeng who helped her behind her back.

Warm heart can\'t say what it\'s like.

Very warm, very astringent, very happy, and very worry about personal gains and losses.

"Thank you."

I don\'t know what to say.

You should thank him.

Thank him for helping her silently.

It\'s not clear why he didn\'t show up.

But he did help her.

"Warm, you\'re my wife. I\'ll help you with everything you have to do."

Jiang Lingfeng came to warm and held her hand.

There is no hiding tenderness in the eyebrows and eyes.

He said, "wife, come home with me."

Go home with him?

Go back to that small nest with endless joy although it is short?

He looked up at him with warm and steady eyes and looked at his good-looking handsome face.

She didn\'t know whether she should continue to be willful.

She didn\'t know whether she had the courage to go on with him.

I really don\'t know!