Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1131

Hearing the warm words, Du Siqing slightly raised his eyebrows, and a smile flashed in his black eyes.

"OK! You are finally willing to take me out for a walk? It\'s really rare."

"Hey, I promised you I\'d take you out for a walk when your body recovers a little. Come on, I\'ll help me."

Warm hehe smiled and helped Du Siqing out.

"We\'re leaving now? Don\'t we bring anything?"

"Don\'t bring anything! Elder martial brother, if we don\'t go anywhere else, we\'ll go to the field in front."

"Well, I\'m being amorous. I thought you were taking me to town."

"Ha ha, elder martial brother, can\'t you stand being lonely?"

"That\'s not true. As long as you\'re by my side, it\'s the same everywhere."

In the last sentence, let the smile on the warm face be slightly restrained.

She understood his intention, but

"Elder martial brother, I......"

"Well, it\'s a nice day today."

Dusqing took a deep breath and interrupted the warm next words.

He knew what she was going to say. He didn\'t want to hear it. He would rather pretend to be deaf and dumb and keep a little fantasy.

Warm to the mouth, then swallowed, did not say anything more.

She wants to know what she says.

They knew it well enough that she didn\'t have to say it again to add embarrassment.

After all, he was her savior and she owed him.

Warm heart dark tone, tidy up the mood, put a smile on his face again.

"Elder martial brother, do you think the clouds over there look like a foal in the first district?"

"Not quite. I feel like a running leopard."

"No, it\'s a gentle pony."

"OK, OK, what you say he is."

"Hee hee, elder martial brother, what do you think this is? The core here can be eaten."

"Really? Be careful and don\'t spoil your stomach."


As they talked and laughed, they didn\'t know that a large group of people were rushing to their place at this time.

Lin Ke\'er, who had just finished a notice, kept calling them when he got the news, but no one responded.

Because they went out, neither of them took their mobile phone with them.

So they missed the tip from Lin Ke\'er.

When they were tired and returned to the house, they saw a sudden crowd surrounding them.

"Warm, you shameless, here you are!"

"Warm, why are you so shameless? You should humble yourself. Don\'t pull our male god to accompany you! His reputation has been destroyed by you!"

"It\'s warm. Our male God had a bright future. Why did you seduce him?"


Countless angry faces turned to themselves, warm and confused, completely confused about the situation.

Or dusqing heard a message from these people.

That is, these people are their own fans. I don\'t know how they came here.

"Everybody, you are my fans, aren\'t you?"

Dusqing pulled warmth half a step behind him and looked at the crowd.

"Yes, dusqing, you have disappointed our fans. How can you be seduced by a married woman?"

"Yes, Du Siqing, we have always supported you. Please separate from her and return to the music world."

"Yes, yes!"


Everyone was young and chattering.

DUS frowned. "Everybody, thank you for your love for me, but this is my private affair. You have no right to interfere. Please go back."