Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1132

Hearing Du Siqing\'s words and seeing his obvious maintenance of warmth, several fans were extremely dissatisfied.

"Du Siqing, are you obsessed? Why don\'t you play great music with our fans, but live in this small villa?"

"Du Siqing, what\'s good about her? Please separate from her quickly and don\'t hurt our fans."


Several fans pulled dusqing and chattered.

Several fans on the warm side pulled the warmth away.

"Don\'t blame our male god. It\'s all this woman\'s fault. If you want to scold her, scold her."

"Yes, warm. Why are you so shameless? What are you doing with our male god when you have a husband?"

"That is, the scourge of warming you has brought misery to the male god of our family."

"Teach her, teach her!"


Several fans were filled with righteous indignation and pushed hard to keep warm.

Others picked up small stones on the roadside and threw them at the warmth.


The sudden attack made the warm and ignorant circle hurried to protect their heads from those people hitting their heads with stones.

How did these people get here?

They blamed her.

They\'re going to vent for DUS.

"Xiao Nuan! Stop, you stop."

Dusqing on one side was so anxious that he wanted to go forward, but he was pulled by the fans.

"Let go, I tell you, if you don\'t stop, I\'ll call the police."

Du Siqing threw away a fan and stared at her angrily.

I wanted to go forward again, but I was surrounded by several other fans.

"Dusqing, don\'t be stubborn. We are for your own good."

"Yes, this woman just doesn\'t deserve to be beaten. We need to clear her mind."


The noise was heard and heard by the villagers for a long time.

Not far away, Xu Fei, who had just finished going to the bathroom, was wearing a belt.

When I saw the warmth surrounded by people, I couldn\'t help shrinking my pupils and looking shocked.

He just went to the bathroom. Why

Just as he was about to run to save the warmth, a figure flashed in front of him like a gust of wind.

Xu Fei fixed his eyes and smiled.

Who does he think he is?

It\'s the boss!


The cold voice sounded. I only felt warm on my body. All the strength that had been added to her was gone.

She removed her hand from her head, raised her eyes, and saw the handsome face that haunted her.

He showed up!

He finally appeared!

Why did it appear at this time.

Is she particularly embarrassed now?

How did he see himself embarrassed?

Sad, wronged, missing

All kinds of emotions intertwined in her heart and merged into a Wangqing lake, obscuring her sight.

Tears blurred in her eyes, she saw the man slightly side his head and smiled gently at her, "warm, don\'t be afraid, I\'m coming."

The arms around his waist were strong, and his breath was still familiar and reassuring.

Warm tears fell down like this, drop by drop on my face.

In his ear was the threatening voice from his chest.

He is warning those fans to leave here as soon as possible and don\'t harass her, otherwise, he will never tolerate it.

Fans are still shouting, but there is no further action.

Xu Fei appeared and drove the fans away with several villagers.

The scene was quiet, and she still stared at his side face, her thoughts flying.