Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1130

Enrique\'s face sank at Anna\'s words.

He hugged an Xueyan and said, "Anna, don\'t think you\'re my fiancee, so you can point fingers at me. Xiaoxue is my woman, and I\'ll always take her with me. If you can accept it, we\'ll get married. If you can\'t accept it, we won\'t get married."

A few words, showing an indifferent attitude.

Anna\'s white face alternated with blue and white, and her dark blue eyes were angry.

"How can you do this to me, Eric? I\'ve turned a blind eye to the existence of this woman. Why do you bring her to our new house? Are you going to let her live with us and serve us together when we get married?"

Hearing this, Enrique curled his lips and smiled. He looked aside at an Xueyan and nodded, "well, it\'s all right!"

"What! Enrique, you..."

Anna stamped her feet in anger and glanced at an Xueyan, whose face was not good-looking. Her eyes were full of anger.

She walked quickly to an Xueyan and slapped her without saying a word.

"Bitch, do you want to be shameless? Can\'t you find a man? Why are you so brazen when you have to pester a man four years younger than you and be a blind mistress?"

"Anna! What are you crazy about? Get out of here, get out of here! If you don\'t get out, I\'ll kill you!"

Enrique\'s face changed and pointed to Anna\'s fierce face.

"Ah! Enrique, Ann Xueyan, I hate you two!"

Anna screamed, stared at them with hatred, and walked away quickly in high heels.

The eardrums seem to be shaking and the face is burning.

An Xueyan didn\'t say a word all the way. He just covered half of his face and was full of shame and anger.

Why did she get to this point?

Why should I be the object of endless ridicule for my elegant and beautiful self who was once high above the world?

A shady mistress?

Two women serve a husband together?

How ridiculous!

"Xiaoxue, don\'t mind. She\'s a hot temper. I\'ll talk about her later. Come on, let me see your face."

Enrique wants to comfort Ann Xueyan. Ann Xueyan shakes off his hand and runs upstairs quickly.

She won\'t live like this all the time.

She wants to go back to Jiang Lingfeng!


Small villa, warm sunshine.

Warm, open the door, breathe fresh air, in a good mood.

These two days, the scandal about the Xu family has not stopped.

Xu Jingxi said that although Xu Bingkun pressed Xu\'s public relations department to negotiate with him to death, there was a mysterious force behind him, which was always adding fuel to the fire, just like a monkey. When Xu Bingkun thought he wanted to calm down, he made some water spray.

Xu Bingkun was so angry that he became ten years old in a few days.

Mysterious power?

The boss behind Xu Fei should be manipulating public opinion!

So, who is this man?

A handsome and cold face flashed in my mind, with warm lips, staring at the mountains not far away in a daze.

Could it be him?

If it was him, why didn\'t he show up?

Is it because she left him without saying a word?

Or Do you mind about her and dusqing?

In the future, how should she and him go?

The mood suddenly became dull, and the sun seemed not warm.

"Xiao Nuan, what are you thinking?"

Behind him came DUS\'s clear and gentle inquiry.

Warm and refreshing, busy to restrain the mood, put a smile on his face.

"Elder martial brother, the weather is fine. Let me go out with you."