Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1129

"Because he is my rival in love, but also because he broke my good deeds!"

Enrique stared at an Xueyan\'s face. "Xu Shixun, the son of the Xu family, has business contacts with me. This time, he brought warmth to the boat. In order to save her, Jiang Lingfeng cooperated with your domestic law enforcement department and captured Xu Shixun. My industrial chain was caught. I suffered heavy losses and was watched by relevant departments. Do you want me to deal with him?"

These words made an Xueyan jealous and hated.

For warmth again!

That stupid man has run away with other men. Why does he keep thinking about others!

Seeing Ann Xueyan\'s ugly face, he kept silent, and Eric\'s face became more gloomy.

He reached out and pinched her chin and said coldly, "Xiaoxue, Jiang Lingfeng drove you away without paying attention, but you still can\'t forget him? What do you think of me?"

The man\'s voice was very cold. An Xueyan knew he was angry.

This is the last person she can rely on. She can\'t offend him.


An Xueyan opened his hand, put his hands around his waist and said softly, "I really can\'t forget him because he has brought me too much harm. I just want to know how you plan to deal with him."

She doesn\'t want Jiang Lingfeng to die.

Maybe she can think of another way.

"Of course, give him directly..."

Enrique made a movement to wipe his neck, and the cruelty in his eyes flashed past.

She knew it would happen.

Ann Xueyan\'s Apricot eyes glittered and put his body closer to him. "In fact, this way is not the best to deal with a person. Your industry is illegal. Don\'t you want to find a suitable way to make your illegal industry legal?"

The woman\'s body is fragrant and soft, and there is a trace of Seduction in her voice.

With a deep blue eye, Eric put his hand around the man and got close to himself.

"Say, what better way do you have?"

"My way is to let Jiang Lingfeng willingly use his Jiang\'s enterprise as your springboard and make your industries bright."

That is to use Jiangshi enterprises to launder money?

Enrique was stunned, followed by a clear laugh.

He put his arm around an Xueyan\'s waist with one hand and stroked her face with the other, with a trace of appreciation in his eyes.

"Xiaoxue, I\'m worthy of being a woman I like. What I think is considerate. OK, listen to you, we\'ll take a long-term view!"

This woman is a treasure woman. Although she is older than him, she is deeply in his heart. No matter how many women he plays, he loves her most.

Looking at the man\'s emotional expression, an Xueyan smiled charming and excited.

Not excited, but excited that she can have the opportunity to see Jiang Lingfeng again.

She wants to use Enrique and find a way to make Jiang Lingfeng surrender to herself again!

They looked at each other affectionately, and their passion was imminent.

Just as they were half dressed and passionately hugging and kissing, the door was opened.

The woman\'s scream sounded, "what are you doing?"

Hearing the noise, Ann Xueyan screamed, hurriedly pushed away Eric and buttoned up his untied clothes, with a look of panic and shame.

It\'s Eric\'s fiancee. How could she have the key here!

"Anna, how did you get the key here?"

Enrique calmly put on his clothes and looked at the people discontentedly.

"Of course your mother gave it to me! Don\'t forget, Eric, this is our new house! I want you to kick her out!"

Anna is a beautiful hybrid, but she doesn\'t look good now.