Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1120


Warm pushed open the private room and saw that Xu Jingxi and Xu Fei were already sitting inside.

"Warm, come here."

Xu Jingxi waved to the warmth.

Xu Fei got up and bent slightly with warmth.

Warm smile, quickly walk over and sit down.

"I\'ve been waiting."


Xu Jingxi took her warm hand and looked at her up and down. When she saw the scar on her wrist, she couldn\'t help scolding again: "it\'s all a group of perverts. Xu Shixun deserves to be caught and should be put in prison all his life."

Warm smile, patted her hand, "well, don\'t be angry, have you ordered? Let\'s talk while eating."

"It\'s time for you to have a look. What else do you want to add?"

"No, I can."

Warm pushed the menu away, glanced at Xu Fei opposite, and his eyes were full of exploration.

"Xu Fei, tell me honestly, who the hell are you? How did you go to the cemetery that day?"

She remembered that before going to the cemetery, she only received a call from Lin Ke\'er.

Lin Ke\'er called because Du Siqing told her that she called her.

Except for Lin Ke\'er, no one should know that she has gone to the cemetery.

But Xu Fei suddenly appeared there.

Although I didn\'t save her, I should have come in a hurry.

So, who is this Xu Fei?

Shouldn\'t it be an ordinary sales?

Xu Fei was stared at by warmth with burning eyes and scratched his scalp nervously.

"Well, actually, I..."

"Hey, Xu Fei, don\'t hide your warmth. In fact, you\'re a bodyguard. You\'re a bodyguard invited by a big man, aren\'t you?"

Xu Jingxi kicked Xu Fei fiercely under the table and spit out with a smile.

"Er! Yes, actually I\'m a bodyguard. My boss asked me to pretend to be a salesperson and monitor all the movements of the Xu family with other members in the Xu family."

Xu Fei explained hard.

"So you\'re really a bodyguard?"

He looked at Xu Fei warmly and clearly.

She felt that Xu Fei was not like an ordinary salesperson.

Especially when we fight Qin Fen\'s bodyguard in the cemetery, it looks more like the skill of the bodyguard.



"So, who the hell sent you the bodyguard? How did you know I went to my father\'s cemetery?"

That\'s weird.

Xu Fei gave her the feeling that she was protecting her.

Is he here to protect her?

"I can\'t say who sent it for the time being. As for how I knew you went to your father\'s cemetery, of course someone told me."

Xu Fei was quick to come up with a reason, "My boss also arranged people near Xu\'s house, so I learned that your mother and your father discussed the trick of tricking you to the cemetery. I got the news and rushed over immediately. Unfortunately, I let them catch you. Fortunately, my boss immediately contacted the domestic law enforcement department, which took the opportunity to arrest Xu Shixun."

Xu Fei secretly admired his quick wit.

My heart kept saying: boss, I have to increase my salary when I go back! He can be a bodyguard whose head is not simple and whose limbs are developed!

i see!

Warm and thoughtful, he looked at Xu Fei suspiciously, "Xu Fei, who is your boss? Does he know me?"

The development of all kinds of things during this period made a figure pop up in her mind inexplicably.

My heart jumped suddenly, and I stared at Xu Fei for a moment.

To say that around her, she can have such ability to protect her. Besides her, she can\'t think of anyone so kind?

Is that him?