Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1121

"Hey, warm, don\'t worry about such trifles, okay? Do you still want to see interesting things?"

When Xu Jingxi saw that Xu Fei was about to lose his grip, he made a noise and helped Xu Fei out of the encirclement.

"Ah? Want to see! Jingxi, what interesting thing do you want to show me?"

Xu Jingwen hurriedly asked his warm thoughts.

"Ha ha, this is an interesting thing. I\'m sure you\'ll be relieved after reading it."

Xu Jing turned his apricot eyes and glanced at Xu Fei.

Xu Fei sighed without trace, and secretly folded his hands to make a bow to Xu Jingxi.

Fortunately, Xu Jingxi broke in, otherwise he didn\'t know how to round it.

With a warm and curious face, he watched Xu Jingxi turn on his mobile phone and click on a video.

"Well, you see."

What is it?

Warm leaned over, moved the mobile phone, and saw a tear scene in the video.

Look at the scene. It\'s in front of an apartment.

A young woman with long hair grabbed the hair of an older woman in sexy pajamas and yelled.

One side stood a young man with a bare upper body. He wanted to come forward to persuade him, but he was pulled by several people around him.

This is, play junior?

But why is a young woman holding a young and older woman to fight?


Warm blinked, looked at the characters in the video and moved the mobile phone closer.

Is she dazzled?

Why does the person in the video who was slapped with her hair feel like Qin Fen!

"Jing Xi, this man is..."

"Can\'t you see? Isn\'t she your cruel mother?"

Xu Jingxi said faintly.

He opened his mouth in surprise and stared at the mobile phone screen again.

"Jing Xi, I\'m a little confused! This scene looks like catching a junior. Don\'t tell me, my mother she..."

"Ha ha, isn\'t that what you think!"

Xu Jingxi smiled, took his cell phone, looked at the picture above and said, "come on, let me explain to you."

Qin Fen goes to be a junior?

Is that an exaggeration?

The key is that the little young man with no clothes on his upper body looks very young!

With a warm and incredible face, I heard Xu Jingxi say, "in fact, it\'s not accurate to say that your mother was a junior. It should be said that she kept this little fresh meat."

Keep small fresh meat?

Looking at Xu Jingxi warmly, I heard her continue: "this young man is Xu\'s sales. Your mother is a cow. She has wrapped up others since they were born. It has been about five or six years. They just got married last year. The woman who came to trouble is the man\'s new wife and son."

Did you wrap someone up as a freshman?

So this man is only twenty-four or five years old now?

This can be Qin Fen\'s son!

The warm and unimaginable face said, "an old cow eats tender grass! She is a lot young and lives naturally."

"That\'s right! The Xus are not fuel-efficient lamps. They can play."

Xu Jingxi mocked lightly, "one female college student is playing outside, and the other is outsourcing to raise fresh meat. It\'s really a match for Wang Ba to see mung beans."

That\'s right!

These two people are a perfect match.

He shook his head warmly and silently, and didn\'t want to make any comment on it.

"OK, I\'ve seen your mother\'s video, and then it\'s my father\'s video."

Xu Jingxi cleared his throat and gave Xu Fei a look.

Are there any good plays to watch?

Warm, sit up straight, watch Xu Fei turn on his mobile phone and point out another video.