Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1119

Small villa.

After a warm and comfortable sleep, he got out of bed in full spirit.

Take good care of Du Siqing\'s daily life, hum a tune warmly, and sit down and read the news.

The news about Xu Shixun\'s arrest and the unrest of Xu\'s enterprise was noisy.

Sliding the news with warmth and interest, the corners of my mouth hooked.

Unfortunately, she is not in the Xu family now. She really wants to see what the Xu family are now.

Must be very angry.

"What are you looking at?"

Dusqing came out of the room and sat down beside the warm.

He smiled warmly and showed dusqing the news.

"It\'s not the Xu family\'s business! Because Xu Shixun was arrested, Xu\'s enterprise is now in great turmoil."

I don\'t know what Xu Jingxi is doing now.

And Xu Fei, why did he suddenly appear in the cemetery that day?

"So happy?"

Du Siqing glared warmly, "Xiao Nuan, I tell you, don\'t go out alone in the future. You should remember that I saved your life. If you dare to spare your life, I won\'t do it."

Since she went back to the Xu family for revenge, she encountered danger several times in succession.

He\'s worried all day. He\'s really worried.

Hearing Du Siqing\'s words, he burst into a warm laugh.

She grabbed his hand and smiled, "yes, you saved my life, elder martial brother. You are my lucky star. I don\'t dare to spoil this life."

"Don\'t smile. I\'ll follow you wherever I go next time."

DUS\'s face was clear and stiff, pretending to be fierce.

"OK, I won\'t go out, OK!"

Warm and flattering smile, just about to say something, the mobile phone rang.

"Elder martial brother, wait a minute."

Warm took out his mobile phone and took a look. When he saw the call, his eyes brightened, "elder martial brother, I\'ll answer the phone."

The temperature on his hand pulled away. Dusqing looked at the back of the warm man who got up and walked out, and his eyes were full of affection.

Since she lived here, she has forced herself to smile more often.

I went to Xu\'s house and became angry.

Maybe it\'s time for her to return to normal life.

Dusqing\'s smile was slightly restrained. Looking at the sunshine outside the house, he sighed in his heart.

Is it coming to an end to stay with her without knowing anything about the world?

Outside, warm answered the phone, "Jingxi."

"Warm, are you all right? The Xu family are really crazy and dare to treat you like that! Fortunately, God opened his eyes and the bad guys will be punished at last."

As soon as the phone was connected, Xu Jingxi\'s worried and angry voice came from the current.

Warm said with a smile: "yes! Fortunately, my auspicious person has his own appearance."

"Yes! So, Jiren, do you want to come out and I\'ll show you something interesting?"

"What\'s interesting?"

Warm curiosity was instantly aroused.

"Of course it\'s about the Xu family! Hurry up, Xu Fei and I are waiting for you in the restaurant last time."

"OK, you wait for me."

Just in time, she has to ask about Xu Fei.

Warm hung up the phone, and the corners of his mouth were still bent.

Turning around, he saw dusqing standing quietly at the door looking at her.

Warm winked and suddenly remembered that she seemed to have just promised dusqing not to go out alone.

Now, it seems to hit the face.

"Well, elder martial brother, I... Want to go out."

"Where are you going?"

"Go downtown."

"I\'ll go too."

"But, elder martial brother, your body..."

Warm walked up to dusqing and pulled his clothes with a flattering look on his face.

"Oh, it\'s obvious that you dislike me?"

Du Siqing pretended to be dissatisfied and shook his head again and again. "What\'s wrong with me? I\'m just worried about your body, elder martial brother. I\'ll take you out for a walk when your body recovers a little bit. What do you say?"

Dusqing looked at the woman\'s flattering smiling face and hissed coldly, "woman, once your heart becomes wild, you can\'t take it back."

"Ha ha, elder martial brother, stop teasing."

"Haven\'t your heart become wild? You can\'t stay at home for three days!"

"I promise to come back early today."

"Hum! Stop talking nonsense!"