Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1118

Xu family.

Bang, the sound of landing heavily.

In the study, Xu Bingkun showed his teeth and eyes and smashed everything he could.

Qin Fen stood aside, her face full of fear.

"Bingkun, don\'t get angry first. Think of a way quickly."

None of them expected that Xu Shixun would be suddenly arrested by the police.

If someone gets stolen goods and gets them, waiting for him must be a disaster in prison.

Most importantly, he is the second son of the Xu family.

As soon as he had an accident, Xu\'s enterprise was also affected. The stock fell again and again this morning.

Both of them have been interviewed by relevant departments. Many shareholders are watching. Someone has secretly sold their shares.

Others even proposed to replace Xu Bingkun, the chairman of the board.

Xu Jingxi mentioned the candidate.

Xu Jingxi?

His eldest daughter?

The eldest daughter he almost forgot to have her?

Did those old turtles get their heads squeezed by the door?

Xu Bingkun twisted his face and his chest fluctuated.

"How can I find a way? Now people have stolen goods and got them, what can I think of?"

That\'s his only son!

When he learned about the situation, of course, he used his contacts to make a relationship for the first time and wanted to bail his son out.

But I was told that there was no accommodation in this matter.

Someone has been staring at this matter to give the victim a proper explanation.

He inquired again and again to find out that the person staring at it had something to do with warmth.


This broom star is all because of her!

Xu Bingkun\'s eyes burst out with deep anger. He glanced at Qin Fen who was opening the door to let people in to pack up. He roared, "Qin Fen, are all your good daughters!"

Hearing Xu Bingkun\'s roar, Qin Fen was stunned.

Turned around and walked to Xu Bingkun. Looking at the disgust in his eyes, he was not very comfortable.

"Bingkun, what do you mean? What do you mean, my good daughter? Does it depend on me?"

"Not bad. Who do you depend on? Useless things. If you hadn\'t led the wolf into the house, could something happen to my son?"

Xu Bingkun has a fire in his heart and smashes the documents in hand at Qin Fen.

The sharp tentacles of the document shell slipped into Qin Fen\'s face. Qin Fen gave a sound, and his face suddenly felt a hot pain.

Reach out and touch, the palm is full of bright red blood.

Qin Fen was so angry that he strode to Xu Bingkun and fluttered his hands on him. "Xu Bingkun, you hit me? Didn\'t you give me the order? You asked me to give her to your son. I did it. You blame me? You\'re useless, you old man, you\'re a waste!"

Xu Bingkun was pushed back and almost fell.

He was even more angry and gave Qin Fen a slap.

"I\'m an old man? You old woman, I\'ve raised you for more than 20 years. Are you going to rebel? Divorce, divorce immediately, get out of the Xu family!"

Qin Fen was stunned and covered her face and looked at Xu Bingkun for a long time.

Xu Bingkun\'s face was livid, and he arranged his clothes. He looked coldly at Qin Fen.

After a while, Qin Fen\'s sharp voice sounded, "You told me to get out of the Xu family? Xu, did you wait for this day? Yes! When I was young, I lied to me to work for you. Now I think I\'m old and boring, so I want to kick me away and welcome the bride in the door? Leave, leave! But don\'t forget, Xu, I\'m the chief financial officer, and I have a lot of secrets you don\'t know , are you sure you want to leave me! "

With these words, Xu Bingkun stood still with a face.

He\'s so mad that he can\'t keep his mouth shut.

They have long been one, and it is impossible to divorce.

"Surnamed Xu, think it over. I don\'t care if you play with women outside, but no one wants to replace the position of Xu\'s mistress!"

Qin Fen gave Xu Bingkun a cold stare, covered her face and turned away.

If it weren\'t for this false reputation, why should she suffer from his idleness here!

Old things, more and more unattractive!

Young or young will please her more!