Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1114

The warmth was brought into a cabin.

The door slammed shut with a bang. He banged his body against the door and shouted, "let me out, you bastards, let me out!"

Was she just sold?

What should I do?

How can she get out of here?

Warm heart a panic, looking around, looking at the window on the cabin wall, biting his lip and running over there.

She can\'t be humiliated. If they dare to come, she will jump directly into the sea!

The door was opened with a squeak. Surprised by the warmth, he quickly turned and looked at the door.

The man who came in at the door was the man with stubble on his face.

The tall figure was coming towards her with big steps.

"Stop, if you don\'t stop, I\'ll jump from here."

The warmth snapped at the visitor.

The footsteps of the visitor stopped and looked at the warmth without squeaking.

Warm chest ups and downs, also looking at him.

The full face of the beard, people can not see his original face.

Just those eyes

Why can it remind her of the person she cares about?

Is it because he has the same eye shape and eyes?

No, no, this is an asshole who helps the tyranny. How can he be brought together with Jiang Lingfeng!

Warm deep breath, "get out, you get out!"

The visitor didn\'t speak, but moved manually and slowly reached into his pocket.

The warm pupils suddenly shrunk and shouted, "you... What are you doing?"

What does this man want to do?

Are you going to start playing tricks for his master!

The man shook his head, hurriedly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and waved it towards warmth.

Then, with his slender fingers, he quickly typed a line of words on his mobile phone.


What the hell does this man want?

Is there anything you can\'t say in person?

She frowned warmly and looked at the man in front of her and his drooping head. She only felt that this man made her feel friendly inexplicably.

Just like Like seeing him!


Why did she think of Jiang Lingfeng again!

However, if he is not full of beard, just look at his height and body shape. He looks really like Jiang Lingfeng.

Warm wring his eyebrows.

At this time, the man raised his head.

With a warm face, I watched him coming towards her with vigilance, "what do you... What do you want? You stop, I\'ll let you stop."

The man didn\'t speak, just put the mobile phone to her face and let her see the words clearly.

Warm blinked, stared at the cell phone in front of him and read the words on it.

"Don\'t be afraid, we are not bad people."

They\'re not bad guys?

Warm eyes lit up, looked at the man, and was full of doubts, "really? How could you be on this ship?"

This ship is obviously not an ordinary ship. They can\'t be ordinary tourists.

The man lowered his eyes, scratched twice on his mobile phone, and then handed it to warm look.

"Come up and play."

Warm read out, looked at the man\'s black eyes and hissed, "hum, man, there\'s nothing good."

Isn\'t it a bad person?

Maybe they have a little conscience, but like most men, they like to look for excitement and fun.

Otherwise, it is impossible to board the ship.

"No! I\'ll talk to you slowly. Aren\'t you tired standing? Will you sit down?"

The man drew a line again and stared at the warmth with black eyes.

Warm stared at him suspiciously, and his apricot eyes narrowed. "Why don\'t you talk? Are you mute?"

What a strange man?

Who the hell is he!