Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1115

Hearing the warm words, a smile flashed in the man\'s eyes.

He held out his hand to touch the warmth, but his hand reached into the air and took it back, just a gentleman\'s gesture.

"Do you want me to sit? You shouldn\'t be deliberately procrastinating. What tricks do you play with your master?"

Warm and skeptical stared at him, still vigilant.

The smile in the man\'s black eyes glittered and typed a line of words.

"You can untie the rope for me."

"Really? Then hurry up."

Warm heart a joy, also ignore other, back to the man, motioned him to help her untie the rope quickly.

The man strode forward, his black eyes staring at the woman\'s tied hands, the smile on his face was slightly restrained, and the anger in his black eyes flashed by.

If he dares to touch his woman, he will make the Xu family pay the price.

Yes, the man with full beard is no one else, but Jiang Lingfeng in disguise.

He checked the Xu family early in the morning.

After Xu Fei reported to him that warmth had been taken on a cruise ship, he knew what the Xu family were up to.

Xu Shixun, the second junior of the Xu family, has been engaged in illegal activities by seducing illegal elements abroad.

Relevant departments have noticed him for a long time, but they haven\'t alarmed the snake.

Now, he can\'t care about anything else. In order to save the warmth, he can only ask the relevant departments to act in advance.

The relevant departments learned about the causes and consequences and did not hesitate, so they began to deploy carefully.

So he and a group of people took another cruise ship and pretended to be rich businessmen.

As for why they were able to board the ship, it was because the relevant departments had made preparations early in the morning. There were insiders from the relevant departments in the ship.

One of them is Mr. Smith.

Therefore, just now they can smoothly bring warmth from Xu Shixun\'s hands.

Hey, I hate the warm smell of the shark when I think of Zhou Li and his legs in the sea!

"Hoo! Finally free!"

As soon as the rope on the warm hand was untied, he quickly turned around, and his slender hand rubbed his painful wrist, a little away from Jiang Lingfeng.

Aware of the cold and warmth around him, he looked at him more vigilantly and dared not approach.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s thoughts retracted, and his cold breath converged, smiling toward warmth.

His little woman, don\'t leave him so well?

I really want to hug her and tell her not to be afraid!

The man\'s eyes are too gentle and warm. He is in a trance for a moment, just like seeing Jiang Lingfeng looking at her.

"Who the hell are you?"

Why did he give her such a sense of familiarity?

"I\'m Mr. Smith\'s assistant. Who do you think I am?"

Jiang Lingfeng drew a line of words and handed the mobile phone to warm face with a smile in his eyebrows and eyes.

He glanced at him warmly, cut his hair and lowered his eyes slightly. "Your eyes are very similar to my husband."

Like she would think that this man was disguised by him, and then, like her heroes, drove Xiangyun to rescue her.

Hearing the warm words, Jiang Lingfeng\'s eyebrows jumped and his heart was inexplicably excited.

He was carefully dressed up, but it was his woman. Can you recognize him in this way?

It\'s just that she looks very sad.

She was still unhappy at the thought of him, wasn\'t she?

"You don\'t look very happy? Are you having trouble with your husband?"

Jiang Lingfeng typed a line of words and stared at the warmth with burning eyes.

Warmth has sat on the edge of the bed. She raised her eyes, scanned the words on her mobile phone and nodded slightly.

"Are you men the same? The most unforgettable person is first love, right?"