Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1113

I don\'t know what to do.

She was dragged back by Xu Shixun, still shouting and scolding.

Xu Shixun sneered, "warm, you are the first woman who can let me take me to visit the cruise ship. Are you sure you won\'t be my woman?"

Wen Yan, warm, wanted to bah the spittle on his face again.

But thinking of her unknown fate, she didn\'t speak, but looked at his eyes and caught fire.

This dead pervert, should she pretend to promise him and wait for the opportunity to escape!

"Oh, stop talking? Seems to be hesitating?"

Xu Shixun stopped, pushed the man to the wall, put one hand on the wall, held her waist with the other hand, and blew vaguely at her, "how, have you figured it out? Do you want to serve me only as a man, or do you want to be sent to a sick old man\'s bed by me?"

"Xu Shixun, stay away from me."

Don\'t turn your head when it\'s warm. Your chest fluctuates.

"Ha ha, are you still reserved? Warm, you\'ve turned the Xu family upside down. If I don\'t show up, no one can protect you."

Xu Shixun pinched the warm and soft auricles and his heart itched.

The warm man had goose bumps all over his body. He was thinking whether to give him a hard kick under him so that he could not be a man. When he coughed behind him.

"Xu, is it disturbing you?"

Hearing the sound, Xu Shixun looked back. When he saw the visitor, he couldn\'t help laughing and said, "Oh, it\'s Mr. Smith. What\'s the matter?"

The visitor is about forty years old and has blond hair. He looks like a hybrid.

He looked warm, his eyes moved to Xu Shixun and winked at him, "Xu, I have a crush on the girl around you. Can you bear the pain to give up your love?"

Have a crush on her?

Warm heart jumped and stared at the visitor.

The visitor also looked at her and didn\'t forget to whistle at her.

Behind him stood a man in black.

His face was covered with stubble and his thick hair was in small curls.

He was cold and solemn, like his bodyguard.

"Ha ha, Mr. Smith, your taste is really..."

Xu Shixun felt his warm face reluctantly. "Warm, look, people have a crush on you. Tell me, do you want to go with him or me?"

With whom?

She doesn\'t want to be with anyone, okay?

Warm chest, a burst of ups and downs, "Xu Shixun, let me leave here!"

"Gee, you\'ve reached this point. Do you still want to go back? Warm. In the future, there will be no warm person in the world."

Xu Shixun sadly patted her on the face and dragged her to Smith. "Mr. Smith, this is a wonderful person, so money..."

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll give you enough money."

Mr. Smith smiled and winked at the man behind him.

The bodyguard behind him nodded slightly and stretched out his hand to pull warmth from Xu Shixun\'s hand.

"Let go of me! You are all bastards. Let go of me!"

Warmth struggled desperately and stepped on the man\'s instep.

Bursts of pain came from his feet, and the man frowned slightly, but a smile flashed in his sharp eyes.

"Look, she\'s just a little wild cat, Mr. Smith. Are you sure you can handle it? Otherwise, let\'s take her..."

Xu Shixun suddenly felt reluctant and asked tentatively.

"Xu, Ann! I\'m a man! Let\'s go!"

Smith patted Xu Shixun on the shoulder and turned to signal the bodyguard to bring warmth.

Xu Shixun touched his chin, looked at the warm struggle all the way, but was taken away and disappeared at the end, and smiled.

It\'s lucky to be warm.

Smith has been on the cruise ship several times, but he only watches and doesn\'t play every time.

The sun came out in the West today?