Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1112

What did she run for?

If she knew there would be so many accidents, she wouldn\'t run!

The warm eyes flashed a trace of pain, pursed his lips and didn\'t speak.

Xu Shixun could not help hissing when he saw that he had nothing to say.

"Come on, what am I talking to you about? Don\'t you want to know where I\'m taking you? Go, I\'ll take you to see the world!"

Xu Shixun untied the rope on her warm feet so that her feet could move freely.

With warm lips, Xu Shixun pulled Xu Shixun out without saying a word.

When I went out of the door and walked all the way, I could vaguely hear the laughter of men and women in each room.

There was also a girl\'s cry in the middle.

Warm doesn\'t speak, just looks around.

Obviously, this is a luxury cruise ship.

She doesn\'t know what Xu Shixun is doing here, but she doesn\'t think she will do anything good.


The door of a cabin was suddenly opened and someone ran out like crazy.

"Help, let me out, I\'m going home! I\'m going home!"

The girl\'s sad cry for help sounded, accompanied by the curse of the man behind her.

"Stop! Get her to me."

The warm footsteps stopped and looked at a naked girl rushing towards her. The man behind him was wearing only a pair of shorts and shouting in foreign language.

"Help me, help me! Brother and sister, please help me!"

The girl tightly grasped Xu Shixun\'s arm and cried.

The warm heart pulled tightly and shouted, "don\'t beg him, run!"

The girl was forced to take on the ship at first sight.

She begged the wrong person!

The girl was stunned. Her eyes were warm with tears. When she saw that her hands were tied, she also reacted.

It\'s too late to run.

Xu Shixun grabbed his arm.

"Run? Where do you want to run? Do you want to be thrown into the sea to feed sharks?"

The voice of yin and ruthless sounded. Xu Shixun ignored the girl\'s crying and threw people at the man who ran over.

"Oh! Xu, this little pepper tastes good! I like it!"

The man who ran over had blond hair and blue eyes and smiled obscene at Xu Shixun.

"David, just like it!"

Xu Shixun waved to the man and motioned him to continue playing.

"No, please let me go! Sister, help me! I want to go home!"

The girl cried loudly and reached for help towards the warmth.

It looks heartbreaking when you have hair in your hair.

Warm eyes watched as the man was dragged into the cabin, the door slammed shut, and angry tears welled up in his eyes.

"Xu Shixun, are you still not human? Are you engaged in population trading? Are you lack of morality?"

"Ha ha! Scold, scold as much as you like!"

Xu Shixun pulled warm and continued to move forward. "If they don\'t daydream, want to be big stars, or want to be close to big money, how can I deceive them into getting on the boat? This is the way they choose. Who can blame?"

use lame arguments and perverted logic!

Warm and angry, "Xu Shixun, you are simply not human! If you do this, you will surely go to hell on the 18th floor in the future!"

"Ha ha, it\'s good to have fun in time when you\'re alive. I don\'t care what happens when you die."

"Xu Shixun, you are abnormal!"

"Scold, continue to scold. In two hours, as soon as the ship arrives at the port, you won\'t have a chance to scold!"

"Xu Shixun, where are you going to sell me?"


Warm all the way was pulled by Xu Shixun and forcibly visited the knowledge on the ship.

Everywhere you go, you are drunk.

Obviously, this is a cruise ship for rich people at home and abroad to play.

The owner of the cruise ship is Xu Shixun.

He caught a lot of young women up for the pleasure of the guests on the cruise ship and made a profit from it.