Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1111

Jiang Lingfeng hung up the phone with a gloomy face.

How did warmth get to the gentle cemetery?

What the hell happened?

Thinking of the missed calls and messages on the mobile phone, Jiang Lingfeng hurriedly ordered the message sent by Lin Ke\'er.

It says: President Jiang, Qin Fen is going to dig her father\'s grave and go to her father\'s grave!

i see!

Digging graves?

Qin Fen, really not human!

Jiang Lingfeng\'s face was covered with haze, and his sharp eyes were full of cold halos.

Those who dare to touch him, he will make them pay their due price!


Wake up again, warm looking at the white incandescent lamp on top of my head, I just feel that the back of my head hurts badly.

After moving his body, he found that his hands and feet were bound.

Thinking back, I thought of the scene in front of the cemetery, warm, angry and hate.

In order to please her husband\'s family, her biological mother had her arrested.

Where did you send her now?

What does the hateful Xu family want her to do?

Looking around warmly, I found that the place I was staying at the moment was like a cabin.


What Xu Jiaojiao had just said to her flashed through her mind.

She wants to give her to Xu Shixun and ask Xu Shixun to send her to the bed of an old and abnormal old man.

So, are they going to ship her out as goods and sell her?

Warm, frightened and angry, he moved his body, trying to find a way to untie the rope on himself.

Then the door suddenly opened and someone came in.

Warm raised his eyes and looked warily at the people. He saw Xu Shixun coming in foolishly.

Xu Shixun!

Qin Fen really handed her over to Xu Shixun.

"Oh, wake up!"

Xu Shixun squatted down and smiled at the warmth and softness.

Warm hands unconsciously clenched their fists, "Xu Shixun, where do you want to take me, let me go quickly."

"Let you go? Do you think it\'s possible?"

Xu Shixun pinched his warm chin and looked at her facial features. "However, if you are willing to be my woman, you can\'t think about it."


Warm spit at Xu Shixun, "Xu Shixun, are you disgusting?"


Xu Shixun was sprayed with saliva on his face, threw away the warmth, quickly wiped the saliva off his face, and stared at the warmth fiercely.

"OK, good! You have backbone? OK! I\'ll see you have backbone all the time!"

Staring at him warmly and coldly, "Xu Shixun, I don\'t know where you\'re taking me, but I warn you, you\'d better stop. I\'m not your move."

"Oh, my mouth is very hard!"

Xu Shixun grabbed her warm hair and forced her to look at him. "Have you forgotten that you are a dead man now! I can\'t move a dead man yet?"

Bursts of pain came from the scalp, warm, clenched his fist and looked at Xu Shixun\'s cruel face, Cold voice said: "my husband Jiang Lingfeng has a deep love for me. He won\'t believe I\'m dead. He must be looking for me, but he hasn\'t found me yet. Since I\'m at your house, I believe he will come to the door soon. If he finds out what you\'ve done to me, you won\'t be able to eat and walk around!"

I don\'t know why he used his fame to cheer her up at this moment.

It seems that as long as she says his name, she will have confidence.

Hearing the warm words, Xu Shixun was slightly stunned and the strength on his hand was relaxed.

But then he laughed again.

"Warm, are you dreaming? Jiang Lingfeng loves you deeply? If so, why do you run with your lover?"