Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1110

Warmth was escorted by two bodyguards to a car.

The door was opened, warm and struggling desperately, shouting for help.

"Be honest. You\'ll be impolite if you call again."

A bodyguard scolded, pushed the warmth into the door and followed him.

Warm and angry, but there was nothing I could do. I was about to scold, when I saw a figure outside the car running towards the car like an enclave.

A bodyguard who had not yet got on the bus heard the sound and suddenly turned around. The two immediately got entangled and fought together.

Warm and stunned, I found through the window that it was Xu Fei!

The open stance was brave and powerful, and the bodyguard tangled with him was not his opponent.

Warm heart a joy, no time to care about how he was here, just hope he can save her.

Seeing Xu Fei knock down the bodyguard outside the car and run towards the car again, he was warm and excited, "Xu Fei, I\'m here!"

He looks great.

Get her out of here!

"Shut up."

The bodyguard glared at the warmth, raised his hand and gave her a chop on the back of her neck.

I heard the warm sound of opening the door on the other side and fainted.

Yu Guangzhong saw that Qin Fen had got on the car and the car started in an instant.

"Xu Fei, help me."

Warm opened his mouth, spit out a difficult sentence, and fell into the dark.

Outside, as soon as Xu Fei\'s hand touched the handlebar, the car drove out at once.

He stumbled, his men slipped and missed the chance to hold the handle.

Then he ran out for a long way, and finally he could only watch the car drive out like an arrow.

"I\'ll go!"

Xu Fei\'s eyes burst out with strong reluctance and chagrin, blaming himself for being useless and not saving the warmth in time.

He had been hiding in the dark to protect her.

But last night, Jiang Lingfeng was in the small villa and asked him to go back and have a rest.

So he arrived at the small villa after meeting Jiang Lingfeng this morning.

But he didn\'t want to. He just arrived at the small villa and found that warm left alone.

On the warm mobile phone, there was a positioning device he placed unprepared. He didn\'t know where she was going, so he followed the positioning device.

Upon arrival, she was found being taken away.

Damn it!

He\'s still a little late.

Xu Fei couldn\'t think much and hurriedly called Jiang Lingfeng to report.

At this time, Jiang Lingfeng just got off the plane.

After chatting with Lin Ke\'er yesterday, he silently watched her outside all night and wanted to spend the night.

He wants to go back to Haicheng to find out the truth about what he said to an Xueyan. After meeting warm in the future, he can tell her the truth directly to solve her misunderstanding.

I don\'t know if his little wife will ignore him when they really face each other.

Thinking of that person, Jiang Lingfeng felt soft and painful. He took a deep breath and turned on the turned off mobile phone.

As soon as the phone is turned on, several missed calls and a text message are displayed on the mobile phone.

Jiang Lingfeng glanced. The phone call was from Lin Ke\'er and the text message was also sent by her.

This is a good subordinate. Do you want to report to her about the landlady?

Jiang Lingfeng hooked his lips and was about to call back, but his mobile phone rang.

Xu Fei?

It\'s Xu Fei.

Xu Fei will call him. It must be about warmth.

Is something wrong with you?

Jiang Lingfeng\'s face sank and hurriedly connected the phone.


"Boss, the young lady was taken away by Qin Fen\'s people. Sorry, I didn\'t save her."

"Where are you now?"

"On this side of Wenliang\'s cemetery, I\'m taking a taxi, hoping to catch up with Mrs. Shao."

"I see. Keep in touch."