Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1109

Qin Fen then winked at the two bodyguards.

The two bodyguards came forward with a cold face, ready to catch the warmth.

I was already alert to the warmth and hurried back.

She saw a shovel that did not know where to come, and she took it up and waved to the bodyguard.

"Go away, you go away."

She was careless.

It seems that Qin Fen came here today to attract her by taking advantage of her filial piety to Wenliang.

What does she want to do?

The bodyguard\'s steps were blocked, and he immediately calmed his face and continued to approach the warmth.

Warm and anxious, Looking at Qin Fen standing not far away, she said angrily, "Qin Fen, what do you want to do? The Xu family is really so good? Xu Bingkun is ambitious and cruel. He has played with many ignorant girls outside. Don\'t you feel sick? I\'m sorry for you for helping the tyranny! I tell you, sooner or later, the Xu family will be finished!"

A paragraph of words changed Qin Fen\'s face.

It\'s a woman. Everyone wants his husband to be single-minded to himself.

But she also knows that it is impossible for men, especially rich men, to want him to devote himself to himself.

She knows who she belongs to, but it\'s always uncomfortable for others to say so.

What\'s more, she cursed the Xu family.

"Warm, it seems that you came to the Xu family and found out a lot of things? In this way, we can\'t let you go."

Qin Fen shouted to the two bodyguards, "what are you doing? Catch her and leave."

It used to be that she was too kind to women. It\'s time to teach this eldest daughter a lesson.

The two bodyguards listened to the orders, and they took off the shovel in the warm hand and seized her.

Warmth struggled desperately, glared at Qin Fen and said, "let go of me, Qin Fen, what do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do?"

Qin Fen looked at warm. "Warm, if you don\'t want to listen to me and serve a man, their Xu family will let you serve a group of men. Warm, I can\'t help you this time."

Let her serve a bunch of men?

Warm suddenly remembered what happened to Xu Shixun.

It seems that she really angered the Xu family. They finally decided to give themselves to Xu Shixun?

"Qin Fen, you are really not human! If you do this, there will be retribution!"


If there were retribution, she would not be an enviable Mrs. Xu!

All business depends on yourself!

Qin Fen touched her hot face and frowned.

Glancing at the gentle stone tablet and looking at the picture of the man on the stone tablet, I was in a daze.

The warm angry sound seems to be still ringing in my ears. I can\'t help feeling a little trance when I think of the past.

He did dote on her, but she married him with more money than love.

Marriage without much emotional foundation will not feel much heartache when betrayed.

Qin Fen breathed deeply and didn\'t want to recall the past.

She turned and was ready to leave. She was startled by a loud bang behind her.

Turning around quickly, I saw that the tombstone that had been straightened by warmth suddenly fell down again.

On the tombstone, the man\'s eyes seemed to be staring at her, gloomy and secluded.

A gust of Yin wind blew and Qin Fen was inspired. It seemed that someone grabbed her ankle and made her unable to move.

The scalp was numb. Qin Fen, with a white face, stamped her feet hard, as if to untie the non-existent bondage.

She stared at the picture of the man and stammered, "don\'t pester me, dead ghost! You were willing to be nice to me, not I begged you. Don\'t come to me, do you hear me!"

If you want to blame him, blame his good daughter. Why are you so disobedient!

It was getting dark. Qin Fen dared not look at the tombstone again. She wrapped her clothes tightly and left quickly.