Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1108

Open cemetery, cold stone tablet.

The desolate wind blew and set off the light swing of green plants.

Warm hurried to, looking around, I saw a mess in front of my father\'s tombstone.

The stone tablet engraved with the name fell down, and the surrounding soil was excavated, which was particularly abrupt in the neat and silent cemetery.

Obviously, Qin Fen didn\'t lie to her.

She really came to dig her father\'s grave!

This vicious woman is at least the man who once spoiled her and loved her to the bone!

How could she let him die without peace!

The warm air makes the body tremble and the eyes turn red in an instant.

She hurried to the tombstone, flopped down on her knees and choked in her voice, "Dad, I\'m sorry, I didn\'t expect that woman to be so vicious and come to disturb your rest."

Such a vicious woman, how could she be her mother?

She really wants to open her heart and see if the blood flowing in her body is red.

Warm up, wiped his tears, struggled to hold the tombstone well, and planned to find a tool to reorganize the gentle cemetery.

At this time, a cry came from behind, "warm."

Qin Fen?

How dare she show up in front of her?

Warm suddenly looked up and looked into Qin Fen\'s eyes.

She strode to Qin Fen and slapped her hard without saying a word.

"Qin Fen, you don\'t deserve to be a man!"

Qin Fen was caught off guard and was beaten. She stumbled and was held by two bodyguards behind her.


The bodyguard\'s face was fierce and had the appearance of swallowing the warmth alive.

Qin Fen\'s face swelled instantly.

She covered her beaten face and stared coldly at the warmth. A little guilt left in her heart dissipated in an instant.

"Warm, dare you hit me?"

"It\'s you!"

Warm and excited, "Qin Fen, are you still human? The man who lies in the ground is your ex husband, not your enemy! Ask yourself, what did he do to you when he married him? From beginning to end, you owe him! Now he\'s dead because of your cold-blooded ruthlessness and died early! But you don\'t have half a share of guilt, and even his death won\'t let him rest. Qin Fen, yours Has conscience been eaten by dogs? Aren\'t you afraid that my father gets up in the middle of the night and asks you for an explanation? "

There was too much anger in my heart. I warmed my hands, clenched my fists and scolded loudly.

The sound swirled over the open cemetery and startled several birds.

Qin Fen touched her burning cheek and glanced at the tombstone. A mood similar to guilty mood flashed in her eyes, but it flashed away.

"Shut up! I\'ve beaten you and scolded you. Now it\'s time to calculate the account between us."

She admitted that she owed her kindness.

But now, she has no choice.

She is not young enough to change her husband.

Now she is from the Xu family. She has no choice but to work for the Xu family.

"Account? What account?"

Warm looking at Qin Fen and the bodyguards on both sides, the excited mood gradually calmed down, and then he found that he was a little too impulsive.

She regretted it!

I don\'t regret that I beat Qin Fen because I was too impulsive.

It\'s regret. She shouldn\'t have come alone.

She forgot that she had turned the Xu family upside down. Maybe the Xu family would retaliate against her for this?

Warm heart a tight, suddenly looked alert at Qin Fen three people.

"Of course, it\'s to calculate the account between you and the Xu family."

If you don\'t have a warm father, you can\'t blame me for not having a warm mother. If you don\'t have a warm daughter, you can\'t blame me for not having a warm mother today