Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1107

Hearing Qin Fen\'s words, warm blinked, and an accident flashed in her eyes.

She can imagine the first two sentences, but the last one

Qin Fen was kicked out of the Xu family?

Why is she so unbelieving!

The warmth bent the corner of his lips. "Are you satisfied with asking me? Don\'t you think you are to blame? When you hurt others, have you ever thought that one day you will be punished?"

"So? Do you admit that what happened yesterday has something to do with you? Did you arrange all this? Did you make Jiaojiao become a joke of high society? Warm, tell me, who helped you behind your back?"

In the current came Qin Fen\'s voice, which was no longer pretentious, full of anger and anger.

"Mom, if you do too many bad things, you will always get retribution. God may not have eyes for a while, but you can\'t keep your eyes open all the time! Xu Bingkun killed my father with you. One day, you will get your due retribution."

"Let\'s get retribution? Warm, but mom is thinking about you. At that time, you were almost strong by Xu Shixun. Mom found an excuse to save you. Is that how you treated me?"

Qin Fen\'s angry voice came, and the warmth was a light mockery, "Mom, I\'m not stupid, okay? If I don\'t make use of you and the Xu family, will you save me? I know that in your eyes, my eldest daughter can\'t match the wealth and wealth brought to you by the Xu family. You don\'t have to act in front of me anymore, and our mother daughter relationship is over. Are you still busy? If you\'re OK, I\'ll hang up."


Qin Fen hurried out a voice, warmed her hand that wanted to hang up, and asked, "what else do you have?"

"Warm, so you don\'t recognize me as a mother?"

"Mom? Do you think you deserve the word?"

"OK! In that case, don\'t blame me!"

Qin Fen, with a cruel voice, frowned warmly on the phone, "what are you doing?"

"What do you want to do? Just come back and have a look at Wenliang\'s grave? I can understand that you deliberately approached me to revenge me and the Xu family, right? Well, since you drove me out of the Xu family, Wenliang can\'t feel better underground!"

Hearing this, the warm heart suddenly became confused.

"Qin Fen, what do you want to do?"

"Don\'t do anything! Just help your father dig the earth and water his house underground, so that he won\'t die peacefully!"

With that, there was a beep in the current.

"Qin Fen, how dare you..."

Warm angrily scolded, but the other party had already hung up the phone.

His chest fluctuated for a while, and he stared at the mobile phone on his hand, angry and anxious.

Why is there such a cruel woman?

How could she become so angry that she went to dig her father\'s grave!

no way!

She must go back at once.

"Xiao Nuan, what\'s the matter?"

Sitting on the sofa outside, Du Siqing heard the warm cry and hurried to inquire.

"Elder martial brother, I have to go out right away. I\'m sorry, you can only stay here today."

The warmth didn\'t care what to explain, so he walked quickly towards the door.

"Xiao Nuan, what\'s the matter? Don\'t go yet. Tell me."

"No big deal! Elder martial brother, don\'t worry about me. I\'ll be back soon."

Warm quickly walked to the door, opened the door and left in a hurry.

Behind him, dusqing frowned and hurriedly took out his mobile phone to dial Lin Ke\'er.

He wants to inform Lin Ke\'er and ask her where warmth is going?