Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1093

Therefore, if Xu Fei didn\'t save her, her end would be the same as Xu Jiaojiao now.

Being photographed by a group of reporters, and being scolded by the old man\'s original wife by pointing her nose.

Fortunately, she has her own face!

Xu Jiaojiao can\'t steal chicken and eat rice. I don\'t know what kind of anger Xu\'s mother and daughter will become now!

Warm hook lips, deep vomited a mouthful of turbid air.

"Jing Xi, it seems that I have to thank Xu Fei for his great service. Do you have his phone number? Let\'s invite him to dinner and have a chat?"


Xu Jingxi\'s Apricot eyes glittered and took out her mobile phone to find Xu Fei\'s number.

A smile flashed through the slightly drooping eyes.

The great hero is not Xu Fei!

Unfortunately, someone\'s husband wants to be an unsung hero.

This move is a tooth for a tooth. It\'s too soothing!

On the other hand, Qin Fen managed to get rid of the reporters and the scolding rich lady and took Xu Jiaojiao to the hospital.

After some examination, Qin Fen looked at Xu Jiaojiao, who was sent to the ward with a pale face and hurried to follow up.

"Today\'s young people can really play. There is a severe tear, there are foreign bodies in it, and the uterus is also injured. Whether they can have children in the future is also a problem."

"Tut Tut, if I have a daughter who doesn\'t love myself in the future, I have to break the mother daughter relationship with her."

"You are a normal person, and you don\'t look at it. Are the mother and daughter normal? What kind of good children can the mother of the third child teach?"


The nurses\' comments came from behind.

Qin Fen stepped slightly and looked back coldly at the nurses, with a gloomy and poisonous expression.

"Well, anger has become anger."

"Go, don\'t make trouble."

Several nurses whispered, glanced contemptuously at Qin Fen and walked away quickly.

Qin Fen was so angry that she was about to vomit blood. She just felt that her chest was very dull.

She never thought that her little daughter would be played with by seven or eight old men.

Severe tear, uterus damage

All this means that she may not be able to inherit her husband\'s family in the future.

The most important thing is that the news just got out.

Her daughter\'s statement is more infamous than any scandal.

In the future, which rich kid of innocent family will dare to marry her?

Now, her little daughter is really ruined!

Qin Fen held the wall and beat her chest hard. Her well maintained face looked like she was ten years old.

Bang bang!

The sound of heavy objects falling on the ground came from the ward.

Qin Fen was surprised and hurriedly opened the door of the ward. She saw Xu Jiaojiao with a white face and falling all the things she could fall on her hand to the ground.

"Daughter, don\'t get excited! You\'re still hanging a drip. Look, the back of the water is swollen."

Qin Fen hurried forward and hugged the excited Xu Jiaojiao.

"Let go of me, I don\'t want to live, mom, I don\'t want to live!"

Xu Jiaojiao\'s voice was still hoarse, and the pain all over made her think of the terrible scene.

One abnormal old man after another played tricks on her wantonly.




"Come on, daughter, it\'s okay. Mom will always be with you. Everything will pass."

Qin Fen was distressed. Her eyes were full of tears and kept comforting Xu Jiaojiao.

"Mom, I\'m finished! I\'m going to be despised by the people in the circle! I can\'t be a big star with unlimited scenery in the future! What should I do?"

Xu Jiaojiao stopped struggling and wailed in Qin Fen\'s arms.

"It\'s okay. You\'re still the daughter of the Xu family. In the future, we\'ll let your father invest in you. Will you open an entertainment company and be the boss?" Qin Fen comforted her.