Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1094

"I don\'t want to be a boss. I just want to enter the entertainment industry and be a big star with unlimited scenery. But everything has been destroyed!"

Xu Jiaojiao\'s expression began to get excited again, and the wounds scratched by those rich ladies shook ferociously on her face.

"Jiao Jiao, everything has happened. Don\'t get excited, mom, please."

"What happened? Why did it happen to me today? The people who were humiliated in that room should be warm, and the people who are ridiculed and scolded by thousands of people should be warm!"

Xu Jiaojiao shouted that her original beautiful face had already been distorted.

"Jiao Jiao, mom just wanted to ask you, how could you..."

Qin Fen held Xu Jiaojiao\'s shoulder and knew something about Xu Jiaojiao\'s words.

My heart hurts and hates. I don\'t know what to say.

Obviously, her little daughter wanted to calculate the eldest daughter, but she didn\'t know what was going on. Instead, she was calculated by the eldest daughter.

"Several of my little sisters were splashed with warm water. I wanted to get justice for them, so I arranged for two people to wear chef clothes and planned to let warm serve the famous abnormal old men in the circle, including Tang Hai."

Xu Jiaojiao\'s eyes glowed with resentment, "but who knows, someone pretended to be the person I found called me and led me over. I was knocked unconscious as soon as I got to that floor. Then..."

At the thought of what happened to her, Xu Jiaojiao couldn\'t stop shaking.

I don\'t know whether I\'m hated or afraid.

She was ready to give a warm color to see before she came.

It turned out that everything was well arranged.

She doesn\'t know how this happened!

Why will the insulted person become himself in the end!

"Well, well, don\'t think about it. It\'s all right." Qin Fen hugged her and comforted her.

"Why is it all right? Warm? Where is she? She let me suffer all this for her. I must make her life worse than death!"

Xu Jiaojiao was crazy and slapped Qin Fen. Qin Fen didn\'t notice and was pushed to the ground. There was a pain in her waist. Ouch, she couldn\'t get up by holding her waist.

Xu Jiaojiao got out of bed, pulled out the needle in her hand, and stumbled to the door.

"Jiao Jiao, don\'t run! Come back quickly."

Qin Fen struggled to get up and hurriedly chased out.

It happened that a doctor came in. Qin Fen quickly asked the doctor for help and held Xu Jiaojiao.

The doctor reluctantly dragged the man back to the hospital bed and gave her a tranquilizer, which calmed down.

Watching her beloved little daughter fall into such a crazy place, Qin Fen sat down on the stool with a dull face.


Where is she now?

Yes, she should ask her where she is now?

Did she do this to Xu Jiaojiao!

On the other side, there is a private room in a quiet restaurant.

Warm sitting in the window, looking at the caller ID on the mobile phone, the corners of my mouth hooked.

"Who called? Your mother?"

Xu Jingxi, who was opposite, took a sip of tea and glanced carelessly. He couldn\'t help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

"Don\'t you answer?"

Seeing warmth hang up the phone, Xu Jingxi asked.

"I don\'t want to answer. There won\'t be any good words anyway."

I\'m calling now. I\'m sure I\'m here to make a plea.

She was too lazy to answer.

Warm turned on the phone and muted it, throwing it aside.

Glancing at Xu Fei sitting opposite, he smiled warmly and brightly, took up his tea cup and made a toast, "Xu Fei, you are my life-saving benefactor. I\'ll drink tea instead of wine. A toast to you?"

Xu Fei smiled brightly, "raise your hand, less... Miss Wen, don\'t be so polite."

Well, I almost became a young lady.

"Just call me warm."

Warm drank a cup of tea and looked at Xu Fei\'s upright eyebrows. The more he looked, the more he felt that he didn\'t look like a salesperson.

"Xu Fei, has anyone ever said that you look very serious, especially like a bodyguard, giving people a sense of security!"