Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1092

Warm changed his clothes, and after listening to Xu Jingxi\'s words, he didn\'t expect that the person who saved himself was Xu Fei.

The salesman?

What a coincidence.

Warm bent his lips and looked at himself in the mirror.

Fair skin, soft eyebrows and eyes.

Just the neck

Reaching out warmly, he pressed the little red dot on his neck, and a trace of doubt flashed in his beautiful apricot eyes.

I can\'t tell. I always think something\'s wrong.

The scene in the dream flashed through my mind. It was very clear, just like what really happened.

She really didn\'t have anything to do with anyone?

She can remember what the fake Cook said before she was unconscious.

That potion must be a potion that will make her out of control. How on earth is she safe?

"Warm, ready? Hurry up, the good play has been staged!"

Xu Jingxi\'s excited voice came from the door.

The warm mind was led back, and regardless of anything else, he quickly opened the door of the bathroom.

"Well, where\'s the good play?"

"Walk, you\'ll know when you go out."

Xu Jingxi opened the door and pushed the warmth out.

Watching Xu Jingxi\'s head shrink in the door, he smiled sideways at her.

What do you do like being a thief?

Does she not want to be seen?

Warm just wanted to ask, he heard a noise coming from the corridor.

"Come out, come out! Isn\'t this the daughter of the Xu family? I\'m actually gathering people here to hang out!"

"God, a little girl, serving seven or eight old men, is she busy? She doesn\'t feel sick?"

"Money! What do you think this Xu Jiaojiao is? An old man can play whatever he wants as long as he gives money."

"Xu Jiaojiao, you bitch, seduce my husband. I won\'t tear your face!"

"Xu Jiaojiao, don\'t hide. What are you doing behind your mother? Sure enough, the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. Your mother abandons her husband and daughter, and the junior is superior. The daughter she taught is also a rotten thing."


The silent noise from far to near, warm looking at a reporter carrying a camera and a rich wife in expensive clothes surrounded the Xu family\'s mother and daughter, Xiumei couldn\'t help picking slightly, and a faint smile overflowed from the corners of her mouth.

It turns out that the good play Xu Jingxi said is about Qin Fen\'s mother and daughter!

It\'s really a big play.

As soon as her hands were warm, she was dragged back to the house by Xu Jingxi before the crowd approached.

"Well, is the play good?"


Nodding warmly, he looked at Xu Jingxi and said, "haojingxi, tell me how this big play came from? How can I hear those people say that Xu Jiaojiao served seven or eight old men? As a person, she shouldn\'t be willing to do such a thing?"

There is a feeling of being calculated.

Xu Jiaojiao was calculated?

Who did it?

"Of course she wouldn\'t want to do such a thing. Because the room she went in and out today was actually prepared for you."

Xu Jingxi held his chest in his hands, and a sharp edge flashed in his eyes.

i see?

So at the party today, it was actually Xu Jiaojiao who planned to frame herself.

She had someone pretend to be a cook, injected herself with drugs, and then prepared to destroy her by throwing her to the old men.

It\'s really hard work!

Warm sneer, look at Xu Jingxi, listen to her open mouth, also confirmed her idea.

"Xu Jiaojiao asked someone to pretend to be a cook and planned to leave you to those old men who like to play tricks. Fortunately, Xu Fei found out. He simply took his own tack and found an excuse to lead her here. Then he knocked her out, threw her into the room prepared for you and replaced you."