Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1091

I had a dream.

In her dream, she returned to Jiang Lingfeng, pestered him for his enthusiasm, and refused to let him go.

And he breathed in her ear again and again, Softly calling her wife and giving her all the affection.

The dream was so beautiful that she smiled softly and felt her arm to the side, trying to touch the man who haunted her.


No hot temperature, no solid skin touch.

Warm slowly opened his eyes and entered the snow-white quilt of the hotel.

Her thoughts stagnated for a moment, and then she took a breath and suddenly opened the quilt.

The man in the quilt was wearing a hotel bathrobe.

She\'s wearing a hotel bathrobe!

The warm face sank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What comes to mind is the scene before the last faint.

She met two fake chefs, who then dazed themselves and injected themselves with drugs.

So, she is

Warm bite lips, hand tightly pulled tight by the corner, throat like a piece of cotton, chest burst up.

Who is it?

Who is hurting yourself?

Is that Qin Fen?

She brought herself to the party today.

Did she have to let others destroy her, and then let herself have no way out in the future, and finally had to become a chess piece used by the Xu family to collect money?

Is it her or not!

Anger, grievance, hate, countless emotions filled the chest, warm opened the quilt and prepared to get out of bed.

At this time, there was a beep at the door, and then the door was gently pushed open.

After warming up and getting out of bed, he quickly wrapped the quilt around his body and looked warily at the door.

Who\'s here?

Is it the disgusting man who slept with himself?

What should I do?

Warm looked around and hurriedly grabbed an ashtray by the bed in his hand.

When the footsteps came, the warmth didn\'t think about it, so he threw the ashtray at the visitor.


There was a cry of surprise, but it was not a man\'s voice.

The warmth was stunned, and the alert of the whole body faded in an instant.

It\'s Xu Jingxi!

Is it Xu Jingxi?

Warm and relieved, he hurriedly turned on the light at the head of the bed, looked at the woman covering her shoulders and frowning, and pulled the corners of her mouth with embarrassment.

"Jing Xi, it\'s you. I thought..."

"What do you think? What kind of villain do you think I am? I\'m really cruel. Fortunately, it\'s not a knife."

Xu Jingxi rubbed the shoulder that was hit, smiled and scolded coyly, went to the bedside and lost a suit of clothes to her.

Warm touched his nose and turned over the clothes in front of him. He had too many questions in his heart.

"Jing Xi, what\'s the matter? I remember being caught by those two chefs dressed up? You saved me?"


Xu Jingxi simply replied, but his apricot eyes moved.

"You didn\'t save me? Then who saved me?"

"It\'s Xu Fei."

Xu Jingxi said, "get up quickly. I\'ll tell you slowly. There\'s still a good play waiting for you to see."

There\'s a good play waiting for her to see?

With a warm suspicious face, he lifted the quilt and said with a smile, "OK, I\'m up now. Jing Xi, don\'t sell the key. Tell me quickly, what\'s going on?"

"The story is that Xu Fei has a girlfriend who is a rich second generation. He accompanied his girlfriend to the dinner party. He happened to hear that someone was trying to hurt you, so he happened to save you. Just as I called you, he received it and asked me to help you. As for what good play you will see, you\'ll know when you go out."

Xu Jingxi\'s Apricot eyes twinkled. Looking at the warm back walking to the bathroom, she thought of what the man said before he left.

"Don\'t tell her I saved her. She\'s still angry with me. I\'ll wait for her anger to subside."

So that\'s a warm husband.

It\'s so handsome to guard silently!