Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1090

Warm looked at a gap. When Qin Fen didn\'t have time to talk to her, he took his belongings and prepared to leave.

Because she didn\'t want to be accosted by boring people, she walked along a corridor behind the banquet hall, at the end of which there were several intersections.

One side leads to the kitchen, the other to the housekeeping department, and the other side is the exit.

At the lower end of the long and curved corridor is a large area of water, with green plants on both sides and flowers in the right season. The air is fresh and the scenery is pleasant.

After a warm and deep sniff, I was enjoying the beautiful scenery at this time, but I vaguely found something wrong in Yu Guangfa.

Someone followed.

Warm suddenly turned back and saw two men in chef clothes striding towards her.


Warm looked at the kitchen not far away, and his heart was slightly flat.

Look at her nerves. She\'s always afraid that something will happen at the party.

Too paranoid!

I bent my lips, cut my hair, and decided to leave here quickly.

Just didn\'t wait for her to go far, the two people behind caught up with her.

Warmth was keenly aware of something wrong.

When she saw the man on her side with a fierce look in her eyes, she was inspired and ran away.

These two are not real cooks.

"Help! Oh!"

Warmth didn\'t run away. A man soon grabbed her and took out a handkerchief to cover her mouth and nose.

The smell of excitement hit, warm hurried to hold his breath, constantly struggled to take out the anti wolf stick prepared early in the morning from his bag and stabbed the man fiercely.

The man groaned and loosened his warmth.

Warm took the opportunity to run forward.

Fortunately, she was afraid of an accident at the party and took the anti wolf stick with her, which enabled her to escape temporarily.


A wave of dizziness came from the head.

She knew that she had just inhaled a lot of the smell from her handkerchief.

Hold on!

We\'ll be at the exit soon.

Footsteps came from behind, and I knew that the two men were coming again.

She stumbled and turned around. Sure enough, she saw them running towards her, with fierce faces all over her face.

One of the men held out his hand and grabbed the warm arm.

"Go away! Don\'t touch me!"

Warm curse, hit the man with his bag and kicked him with his feet.

Unfortunately, these revolts were like tickling to those two people.

The man soon clamped down on the warmth.

One of them smiled grimly and took an injection from his pocket.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Let go of me!"

With a warm face of horror, she screamed and watched the man hold his arm and push the injection into her vein.

"Hey, hey, stop yelling. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to scream later!"

"Go, throw this woman into the private room quickly, and then go back to her employer."


Before falling into a coma, I listened to the dialogue between the two people, helpless and flustered.

Where are they leaving her?

Who ordered them?

Is that Qin Fen?

Or Xu Jiaojiao?

Or maybe it\'s the Xu family?

Do these vicious people have to destroy her?

The eyes are getting darker and darker, and the strength of the hands can no longer be used.

The handbag in my hand fell off.

Warm completely fainted and was held by two people to the housekeeping department.

She thought she was dead this time.

But do not want to, someone stopped several people\'s way.

Shiny leather shoes, black trousers, black tweed coat

Further up, there is a cold and handsome man\'s face.

The tall and heroic figure is permeated with cold air, like the king of hell who comes to claim his life!

"Go away and mind your own business!"

"Oh! Die!"
