Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1089

A high-end hotel in city A.

The hall on the first floor, where a banquet is being held.

The bright crystal chandelier emits a bright halo.

Men and women wear expensive clothes and shuttle through the flow of people.

Clothes and temples, wine and preparation, bustling.

Holding a cup of fruit juice, she looked at Qin Fen casually greeting other rich ladies and looked around bored.

A lot of people came today, all fresh faces.

Oh, no, there\'s a familiar face.

It is impossible for Xu Jiaojiao not to attend such an occasion.

Look, she is wearing a decent pink dress and dressed like a princess. She is laughing and chatting with several rich people.

With a slight drop of eyes, he looked at his dress warmly and hooked the corners of his mouth.

She was forced to wear the golden dress prepared by Qin Fen for her.

Bare shoulders and bare backs, like a street girl from a nightclub.

It can\'t be compared with the image of her little daughter.

Fortunately, she pulled out a layer of gauze from countless clothes and put it on despite Qin Fen\'s objection.

It\'s a different style.

Along the way, it is obvious that many men are looking for opportunities to chat up with themselves.

Warm too lazy to perfunctory, just wait a moment and leave this boring place.

It\'s just that her thoughts are beautiful, but some people are destined not to let her live in peace.

This is not true. Xu Jiaojiao led several rich people towards her.

"Dear ones, let me introduce you. This is my cheap sister. Look at her dress. Does it match her very well?"

Xu Jiaojiao had a glass of wine in her hand, her toes high and high, staring at the warmth, with a disdain on her face.

A group of young ladies giggled.

Looking at the warm eyes is also full of contempt and disdain.

"Jiao Jiao, why do you still let such a woman live in your Xu family? What if she can\'t stand loneliness and seduce the men in your family?"

"Yes! Didn\'t she elope with a man and die in a car accident? It turned out that she was just a cover up. In fact, she wanted to sneak around with a man?"


The most insulting words came.

After a warm sweep, he directly splashed the juice in his hand on several women who spoke.

"Ah! Are you sick?"

"Psycho! My clothes!"


Several women who were splashed with juice were very angry and screamed.

Warm hooked the corner of your lips and said carelessly, "sorry, my hands are slippery. Why don\'t I bring a glass of water again to wash you clean?"

And bring me a glass of water. Are you going to pour water all over them?

"You... Jiao Jiao, look at her..."

Xu Jiaojiao was also splashed with juice and immediately glared at her, "warm, you apologize to them."

"Why should I listen to you? Which onion are you?"

With a warm sniff, he glanced at Xu Jiaojiao like an idiot, turned and was ready to leave.

"Warm, don\'t be complacent, wait and see!"

Xu Jiaojiao was so angry that her face changed for a while. Looking at her warm and graceful posture, her eyes burst out with a thick ruthlessness.

"Jiao Jiao, you cheap sister is too much! You must punish her."

"Yes, Jiao Jiao, if you don\'t help us out, we won\'t be friends in the future."


The rich people who came with Xu Jiaojiao were so angry that they shouted at Xu Jiaojiao one after another.

Xu Jiaojiao quickly comforted several people, "don\'t worry, wait and see, I\'ll vent my anger for you soon."

Warm, she will look good soon!