Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1088

What a loving mother.

With warm curiosity, I don\'t know what Qin Fen is up to.

"No, I\'m fine. I just entered the company. I should spend more time getting familiar with the business."

A warm faint reply, planning to stop the car on the roadside.

"I\'m not in a hurry to get familiar with the business. The public relations department has a big opinion on you now. Come back first. Mom has something to tell you."

Qin Fen then hung up the phone, listened to the beep in the current and hissed.

that \'s ok!

Then she goes back to Xu\'s house to see what Qin Fen is doing.

On the side of the road, in a humble black car, the man\'s sharp black eyes stared at the beautiful figure, and his fingers holding the steering wheel tightened.

I\'m sorry!

He won\'t let anything happen to her again!

Xu\'s family came home with her belongings. Qin Fen was sitting on the sofa with a dress in her hand.

Warm apricot eyes glittered and walked in quietly.

This is the dress for the party. Can you say

"Xiao Nuan, you\'re back? Come and have a look. Which dress do you like?"

Let her choose a dress?

So, is this her intention to be kind to herself and let her come back?

Let her go to the party?

"Mom, why should I choose a dress?"

Warm and calm, casually turned over the dress on the sofa. The upper body fabric of each piece was pitifully few, so the wearer had to wrap only the important parts.

"Oh, the Ling family has a party in the evening. Mom will take you to it."

Qin Fen picked up a golden Sequin dress and gestured on her warm body, "Xiao Nuan, I think this one is good. You might as well wear this dress in the evening."

"Mom, I don\'t want to go to a boring party."

Warm sat on the sofa and touched his stinging face.

What\'s Qin Fen\'s idea?

But whatever the idea, it must be bad to let yourself attend the party.

"How can that work?"

Qin Fen put down the dress in her hand, moved to the warm side and held her hand. "Xiaonuan, since mom wants to spend time with you in the future, she must think about it for you. Taking you to the banquet is to let you know more excellent men. Of course, you can also meet many rich people of your age. In the future, you won\'t be too lonely in city a, don\'t you think so?"

That\'s quite high sounding.

But only her heart knows what the speaker thinks.

Warm took her hand away from Qin Fen and got up to run upstairs. "Mom, I don\'t want to make friends with anyone, so I won\'t go to any party."


Qin Fen\'s voice cooled down, her warm footsteps paused slightly, and looked back at her.

The expression on Qin Fen\'s face was restrained, Kukoubo thought: "Xiao Nuan, mom is really thinking about you. At noon, you offended Tang Hai and spoiled your cooperation. Uncle Bing was so angry that mom advised him for a long time to stop being angry. But he also said that if you spoiled his business next time, he would not tolerate you any more. Listen to mom and go to the party with mom. If you meet a man who is interested in you, you hold tight Your uncle Bing won\'t do anything to you about your thigh, do you? "

She has done her utmost to the eldest daughter.

Don\'t be ignorant.

Hear Qin Fen\'s words, warm heart a sneer.

Apricot eyes turned and she nodded, "well, I\'ll just go."

She can\'t offend Xu Bingkun for the time being.

Isn\'t it just going to the party?

Then see the move!