Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1087

"But, mom, warm her..."

"Jiao Jiao."

Xu Bingkun interrupted Xu Jiaojiao\'s next words, "what your mother said is not unreasonable."

His good son can\'t do serious business. He\'s first-class in crooked ways.

He has always opposed it, but he can\'t stop it. He can only turn a blind eye and hide people\'s eyes and ears with the huge financial resources of the Xu family.

So Qin Fen is also right. Now we can\'t give warmth to our son.

Xu Bingkun turned his mind and looked at Qin Fen, "Xiao Fen, that\'s your eldest daughter. For your sake, I won\'t quarrel with her for the time being. I\'ll give her another chance. In the evening, the Ling family will hold a banquet when the little daughter of the Ling family returns home. At that time, Tang Hai will also appear. Take warmth with you and find a chance to send her to Tang Hai\'s bed to calm Tang Hai down. If you screw up this time, don\'t blame me for turning my face ruthlessly."

The man\'s eyes were cold. Qin Fen nodded, "OK, I\'ll take her to the party."

It\'s better to be with a man than to serve a bunch of men!

I hope her eldest daughter can understand her pains.

Qin Fen asked Xu Bingkun to sign the document and went out.

Xu Jiaojiao\'s eyes turned disorderly and the corners of her mouth were hooked.

There\'s another good play in the evening!

This time, she will never let warmth escape again!


I just finished seeing a doctor.

After taking the medicine and anti allergy injection, the red spots on the body and face have subsided, and the red and swollen mouth has slowly recovered.

She was in a good mood and her mouth was slightly bent at the thought of making a mischief on an old man.

The mobile phone rang. He took out his mobile phone and looked at it warmly. Suddenly, his eyebrows were slightly raised, and the corners of his mouth were bent even more.

It\'s Qin Fen.

Call me at this time. I\'m definitely here to ask for punishment!

Should she keep her cell phone away from her ears?

Lest you be roared by a lion?

Warm sneered and connected the phone.


"Xiao Nuan, where are you now?"

"I\'m in the hospital."

Warmth slowly walked out of the hospital gate without concealing it.

"How can you go to the hospital? Xiao Nuan, I\'ve heard that you offended Tang Hai again. Your uncle Bing is very angry. Tell your mother what\'s going on?"

Qin Fen\'s worried voice came over the phone, but she was not very angry.

Warm and slightly surprised, Qin Fen\'s attitude is not as she imagined.

What\'s she up to?

Warm apricot eyes glittered. "I used to be allergic to garlic, but I seldom had an attack. When I had breakfast at Xu\'s house in the morning, I ate a cucumber, which was pickled with garlic puree? Maybe I ate too much, and the allergy occurred. I\'m really sorry. I screwed up my contract with Tang family."

In the morning, there were indeed mashed garlic and cucumbers on the Xu family\'s table.

But she didn\'t take a bite.

On the contrary, she realized something from this dish, which led to the scene of eating garlic to prevent sex wolves later.

The result satisfied her.

"So it is? Really, it\'s all the kitchen\'s fault. How did you get this dish? You too. You know you\'re allergic to garlic. How can you eat it? But it\'s already happened. Mom won\'t blame you anymore. Mom will explain it to Uncle Bing."

Qin Fen\'s angry voice came from the phone. She was warm with Xiumei and apricot eyes.

That\'s how it happened?

What a mystery!

At this time, Qin Fen\'s voice came from the phone again, "Xiao Nuan, mom has asked for leave from the company for you. Don\'t go back to the company. Mom is waiting for you at home and let the doctor of Xu family give you a closer look. Don\'t leave any scars on your face."