Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1083

At noon, warm followed three women from the public relations department to a high-end restaurant.

Along the way, three colleagues chatted and scolded the old man who was going to meet for a while.

I listened in silence and got a general idea.

The old man\'s surname is Tang. He is a well-known oil dealer. He is rich and has many industries under his name. He was sponsored by Xu\'s enterprise for three months, but he didn\'t win a successful partner.

Because the old man often flirts with female customers in different ways, he has a poor reputation in the industry.

But with his strong financial resources, he has become a partner of major enterprises.

So the boss said, the following people can only work hard to complete it.

Xu\'s public relations department made an appointment with Tang several times. Each time, the staff of the public relations department came back crying because they couldn\'t stand his tossing.

Although the women they do public relations are treated with colored glasses in the outside world, they will actually keep their own details.

And obviously, this old man has no bottom line.

"Warm, although you are a newcomer, you are also a member of the Xu family from today on. Therefore, this Tanghai will be handed over to you in a moment."

The woman on one side, surnamed Su, is the director of the public relations department.

She looked at the warmth and handed her the hot potato unkindly.

The words of the public relations manager echoed in my ears.

"Today\'s Wine Bureau will let warmth play the leading role. Case can\'t drag on any longer. We must take Tang Hai down. The president\'s wife said that we don\'t have to look after her face to take care of warmth and let her exercise more at the grass-roots level. Therefore, you can agree to any unreasonable request of Tang Hai later."

Any unreasonable request?

What unreasonable demands do men have after they are full of wine and food?

Doesn\'t it just rely on a little alcohol to let women sleep with you?

So, this warmth was sent by the president\'s family to serve people?

Su Liang looked at the warm pretty face and a trace of sympathy and contempt flashed in his eyes.

I really don\'t know what this woman is trying to do. The good president\'s wife is not right. She wants to elope with others and runs to Xu Shi to be a public relations lady!

There\'s a hole in your head!

Warm heard Su Liang\'s words and didn\'t speak. He glanced at the street view outside and hooked the corners of his mouth.

Are you digging a hole for her?

I\'m afraid I\'ll disappoint them.

When the car stopped steadily, the party entered the restaurant and followed the waiter into the private room first set.

Several people sat down. Tang Hai hasn\'t arrived yet.

Warm said to go to the bathroom first, and then took the small bag out of the private room.

As soon as the three women saw warmth leave, their heads gathered together and whispered.

"Hey, do you think she will run away?"

"Probably not! Or she doesn\'t want to do it?"

"Hey, I heard that Tang Hai is eccentric in bed. Do you think warmth will be..."

"Are you worried about her? Or you\'ll do it yourself?"

"No, I\'m a good woman with a boyfriend. Leave this good thing to her kind of whore."


Hearing the warmth of the door, the red lips pulled out a cold arc.

She didn\'t speak, but hurried to the bathroom and took something out of her bag.


It was originally a good thing, but she always knew that if she ate more, she would be allergic.


In order to prevent the pit, she also fought hard.

Warm bite your teeth, remove the raw garlic and throw it into your mouth.

The pungent smell of garlic stimulated her taste buds and sense of smell.

Warm frown, swallow all the garlic in your mouth, look at yourself in the mirror, and wait for the occurrence of allergic state.

One second, two seconds, one minute, two minutes

Five minutes later, his face in the mirror began to turn red and his skin began to tingle.

She raised her hand and lifted her sleeve tube. Small beans were sprouting on her white skin.

She\'s allergic!