Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1084

In the private room, Tang Hai has arrived. Looking at several female public relations, he is a little depressed.

These women are only willing to spend money on their mouths. At most, let them touch their hands and wipe their oil. What\'s the meaning?

"Xiao Su, my time is very precious. Those who invite me at the same time with you can line up! If it weren\'t for the sake of our old acquaintances, I wouldn\'t come. Do you want to accompany me?"

The old man protruded a beer belly and a big fat hand touched Su Liang\'s thigh restlessly, meaning something.

"President Tang, I understand. Don\'t worry. We\'ll be with you today. Wait a minute. We have a new colleague coming! She\'s much more beautiful than us."

Su Liang was eating tofu and secretly scolded the man in his heart. His eyes kept glancing at the door. He secretly said in his heart, why doesn\'t this warmth come back?

Won\'t you really run away?

"Oh? New colleagues are coming? Where are they? Why not?"

When his surname was Don Haydn, he became interested and sat up straight.

"She went to the bathroom. I\'ll have a look."

A female employee stood up and prepared to find warmth.

At this time, the door was pushed open and warmth came in.

Her head dropped slightly, her long hair covered her cheeks on both sides, and a slender hand covered her mouth and walked slowly towards the table.

"Warm, you\'re finally back! Come and meet president Tang."

Su Liang saw that warmth was back. He was greatly relieved and waved to her.

Tang Hai stared at the warmth. Although he couldn\'t see her face clearly, her figure seemed good.

All of a sudden, he looked forward to the warmth and showed his true face.

Warm and silent, just walked to the table, slowly put his hand down and grinned at several people!


All the people breathed together, and all of them widened their eyes, looked at the warmth, and looked stunned.

"Warm, you..."

Is the woman in front of you who looks like a flower warm?

The mouth swelled into a sausage mouth.

Her breath seemed to be red and her mouth smelled.

This man is so ugly that people should panic!

Warm looking at the expressions of several people, I was secretly funny.

She moved her red and swollen lips. "Supervisor, I\'m sorry. I don\'t know what I ate. I seem to be allergic. But it doesn\'t matter. I can stick to it."

Are you scared?

Do you really think she\'s so easy to bully?

Warm looked at Tang Hai, "this must be president Tang? President Tang, I\'m warm. I\'ll pour the wine for you."

As he spoke, he approached the man surnamed Tang and deliberately opened his mouth and breathed to pour wine for the man.

"Well, you stay away from me!"

Tang Hai, disgusted with his face, covered his nose and pushed away the warmth.

"Xiao Su, this is what you call a beautiful new colleague? Do you mean to play with me?"

Smelly and ugly!

It seems that Xu doesn\'t intend to cooperate with him at all!

"No, she didn\'t grow like this! Warm, you..."

Su Liang was so angry that he couldn\'t speak by pointing to warmth.

Warmth has just been pushed to the ground, deliberately pretending to be very painful.

"I\'m sorry, supervisor. I didn\'t mean to. I know you didn\'t want to accompany president Tang, so I was given a chance as a newcomer. I cherish this opportunity, but I didn\'t know such an accident would happen. I can\'t do it. My face hurts. Supervisor Su, I\'m going to the hospital."

Then he covered his face and stumbled to the door.

Behind him came the man\'s angry voice, "what? Don\'t want to accompany me? Good! Good! Xu Shi, I remember! You don\'t want to have another chance to get my Tang Shi contract!"