Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1082

Warm settled in his office area and went out of the public relations department with a water cup.

Came to the tea room, looked at the rest area, and warmly received a glass of water for himself.

Just about to drink water, the clatter of high heels came, and the strange voice of a woman sounded.

"Warm, you are leisurely! Do you understand the nature of the work of the public relations department? Do you know what you should do? Give full play to your talents and cooperate with your predecessors to do a good job, okay?"

Xu Jiaojiao seldom comes to the company.

But because the warmth came today, she would not miss such a good opportunity to humiliate her, so she found the right opportunity, with high toes on her face and deliberately looking for warm stubble.

Warm slowly drank water and ignored her. She just passed her with a water cup and was ready to leave.

"Hey, I\'m talking to you? Are you deaf? Ah! Warm, you..."

Xu Jiaojiao held out her hand and grabbed the warm arm. Her fingernails were deliberately pinched into her flesh.

Warm a turn around, a cold face will shake out the water in the water cup, splashed on Xu Jiaojiao\'s body.

With a scream, Xu Jiaojiao quickly loosened her warmth and shook her clothes. Her face had changed.

The warm heart sneered, and the corners of his mouth were hooked with a casual shallow arc, "sorry, shake your hands. Are you okay? The water in the water cup is still hot. If I don\'t hold it steady, I accidentally spilled it on your face, hiss... It\'s estimated that your face will be disfigured!"

The woman smiled, but there was no smile in her eyes.

Hot water accidentally spilled on her face?

This is warning her not to mess with her.

Otherwise, she may accidentally disfigure her.

Xu Jiaojiao\'s face alternated blue and white. Looking at the warm and indifferent figure, she was too angry to speak.

For a long time, she said angrily to the crowd: "you don\'t have to work if you look at anything!"

Warm this bitch, scarlet crazy what?

There will be her good fruit soon!

In the front, he warmed his lips and walked all the way forward in front of the surprised eyes of the people.

Passing the corner, a slender hand stretched out and pulled her to the safe passage.

Warmth almost screamed. When he saw someone coming, Kankan swallowed the voice from his mouth.

"Jing Xi, are you trying to scare me to death?"

"You have great courage. How can you be frightened by me?"

Xu Jingxi obviously saw what had just happened, and her face was full of ridicule.

Warm touched her with his elbow and glanced at her.

Xu Jingxi smiled and said, "I just heard that you were assigned by the public relations department to the wine bureau at noon? What do these people think of you? You probably don\'t know how abnormal that old man is. He..."

"Jing Xi, don\'t worry. The soldiers will flood the earth when the water comes. Since I decided to enter the Xu family, I made a plan. Don\'t worry, I will protect myself."

Warmth interrupted Xu Jingxi and comforted her with a smile.

"What are you going to do?"

"Me! You said, if I looked like Sister Feng and smelled, could those old men still talk to me?"

Warm blinked apricot eyes, flashing a trace of cunning in his eyes.

Don\'t you really help Xu again?

She came here to find out, but she didn\'t want to lose her innocence.

"Ha ha, good! Warm, you\'re a little bad! I really want to go with you later and see what the scene was like."

Xu Jingxi smiled with bright apricot eyes.

"OK, you go! I\'m not sure that abnormal old man has a strong taste. If he can bite at the smelly Sister Feng, I can only ask you for help."

"Yes! That\'s an old pervert! I\'ll arrange someone to go with you now."
