Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1081

Put her in the public relations department?

And say you\'re comfortable with her?

This Xu Bingkun is really insidious.

The public relations department, listening to the name, is going out to socialize with guests.

He just meant that either she accepted it calmly or she wouldn\'t want to enter Xu\'s family.

The warm mind turned a hundred times, and the hand holding chopsticks tightened.

Raised his eyes and warmed his lips: "OK, I\'ll thank my uncle first."

In any case, let\'s talk about it first.

There are policies at the top and Countermeasures at the bottom.

Wait until you have a problem.

"Warm, do you really want to enter the Xu family? Or the public relations department?"

Xu Jiaojiao looked at her with a sneer. "Indeed, you are only suitable for the public relations department. After all, you still have some beauty that can coax those old men."

"Oh? So Xu\'s public relations department is the Department that serves people with color? I thought I could learn some real skills when I joined Xu."

Warmth choked without haste and delay. Xu Jiaojiao choked and stared at warmth and couldn\'t speak.

"Well, Jiaojiao, eat quickly, just listen to your father and let your sister enter the public relations department."

Seeing that Xu Jiaojiao was going to get angry, Qin Fen quickly made a round of it.

Xu Jiaojiao snorted coldly, and a trace of malice flashed in her warm eyes.

She also knew about Li Gang.

This time the warmth can escape, she doesn\'t believe it, she can escape again!

When she enters the Xu family, she will torture her slowly!

Warmth ignored Xu Jiaojiao\'s eyes and still ate slowly.

She will be able to enter Xu\'s family tomorrow. She will slowly find out Xu\'s weakness and let these people pay the price.

The next day, Xu.

Qin Fen handed the warmth to the manager of the personnel department, ordered a few words and left.

The warm eyes of the personnel manager are very meaningful.

Warm and silent, just with a polite smile, let the personnel department look at her and take her into the public relations department.

The public relations manager received the notice and looked at the warmth with meaningful eyes.

Warmth doesn\'t know how Qin Fen told them, but with these eyes, I don\'t think there will be any good words.

"Welcome, everyone. This is the warmth of the new employees."

The manager of the public relations department brought warmth to the public and introduced it in a business manner.

Warm hooked his lips and said hello to everyone, "Hello everyone, please give me more advice in the future."

"Warm? Is that song warm?"

"It\'s her! How did I hear she eloped with someone and died in a car accident?"

"Isn\'t she the eldest daughter of our president\'s wife? Why did she come to the public relations department?"

"Tut Tut, this woman is not simple. Maybe the president\'s wife thinks she is suitable here?"


Countless comments poured in, and the warm eyes of the people were full of gossip and contempt.

Warm and not angry, just looked at the manager of the public relations department, "manager he, where is my position?"

He who does not know is not guilty.

These people were strangers to her, and their comments didn\'t hurt her.

The manager of the public relations department is an enchanting woman, dressed in a hip wrapped black skirt and full of charm.

Seeing the warm, calm and calm appearance, I couldn\'t help picking my eyebrows slightly, and a trace of interest flashed in my eyes.

You look thick skinned!

It seems to be quite suitable for the public relations department.

No wonder the president\'s wife said to let them take good care of her and let her exercise more at the grass-roots level.

"Just sit by the window. There will be a wine shop at noon. I\'ll ask Xiao Su to take you to see the world."

The public relations manager gave the order, turned around and twisted the snake\'s waist into the office.

Warm took his belongings to the window.

The voices of the people came faintly in my ears.

"God, when she came, manager he asked her to entertain the old man? Tut Tut, there\'s a good play."

"No! That sick old man likes to play tricks. Director Su is worried about how to win him. Maybe this time."

"But isn\'t warmth the real daughter of the president\'s wife? How can the president\'s wife be willing to let her woman do such a thing?"


Listening to these comments, warm didn\'t say much, just a cold and thin smile on the corners of his mouth.

It seems that in the eyes of the Xu family, her future positioning is to serve people with color!