Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1080

Warm and Xu Jingxi joked and hung up.

Someone is secretly helping her?

Could this be the case?

Holding the cell phone warm and thoughtful.

A figure flashed through my mind inexplicably.

Tall, cold and arrogant, awesome.

Warm hands holding the phone tightly, quickly shook his head and shook off the figure in his mind.

How could she think of him?

He didn\'t even know he was alive.

What\'s more, maybe he is falling in love with his first girlfriend at the moment!

How could you think of her?

Warm, pursed his lips, rubbed his stuffy chest and exhaled deeply.

When the telephone rang, I glanced at it with warm eyes, and I couldn\'t help bending my lips.

It\'s dusqing\'s call.

Worried about her again?

Warm to connect the phone, "elder martial brother."

"Xiao Nuan, how are you doing at Xu\'s house? I\'m worried about you."

"I\'m fine. Elder martial brother, don\'t worry about me. It\'s you instead. I\'m not around to take care of you. Do you pay more attention?"

The warmth softened the voice, knowing that Lin Ke\'er must have told Du Siqing about the purpose of leaving her at Xu\'s house.

"I... cough..."

Dusqing\'s cough came from the current.

Warm immediately said anxiously, "elder martial brother, why do you cough so badly? Did you go out for a cold wind? Didn\'t I say..."

"Well, Xiao Nuan, I lied to you. I\'m fine."

Dusqing\'s low light laughter came from the current. The warm words stopped, bit his lips and said angrily, "elder martial brother, you deliberately lied to me!"

The man made her worried.

"Yes, I was wrong, so I\'m waiting for you to come back and punish me."

Dusqing\'s gentle voice came, warm and red lips, pretending to be fierce, "OK, when I come back, I will punish you not to go out."

"Yes! Yes!"

Dusiqing chuckled, and warm also smiled. They said a few more words. Warm told him to take good care of himself again, and then hung up the phone.

She took a deep breath and looked up at the sky.

The sky is very blue, the weather is very good, and the warm sun is like fire, just like his people, warming people\'s hearts.


Night comes.

At the Xu family table, everyone else sat in front of the table except Xu Shixun, who was not at home.

Xu Bingkun looked at the warmth of the sitting opposite, his eyes shining with pure light.

He has heard about Li Gang from Qin Fen.

Really didn\'t expect her temper to be so strong?

I beat Li Gang seriously.

I don\'t know whether it was a coincidence or something. Li\'s enterprise suffered a sudden accident. Many suppliers are terminating the contract with Li, and he also indirectly lost the opportunity to cooperate with Li.

This woman is really beyond ordinary disposal.

"Bingkun, I told you this afternoon to let xiaonuan work in Xu\'s enterprise. What do you think?"

Xu Bingfen\'s face was a little bad in the afternoon.

Said she couldn\'t do anything. She couldn\'t even control her daughter.

Can you blame her?

I\'m not in a good mood, but I can only swallow it.

Who makes him the head of the Xu family? She has to give him some thin noodles.

"Xiao Nuan, do you really want to enter Xu\'s enterprise?"

Xu Bingkun had a good meal and asked casually.

"Yes, uncle, I don\'t want to eat free food here."

Warm light mouth.

"You want to join dad\'s company?"

The opposite Xu Jiaojiao said sarcastically, "what can you do? Does the company have to open a new department for you to entertain people when everyone is tired like a Geisha?"

Warm frowned, slightly lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Let\'s hear what Xu Bingkun said first.

"What Jiao Jiao said is not unreasonable."

Xu Bingkun said with a smile, "Xiao Nuan, you don\'t have work experience. Like our Xu\'s enterprise, you don\'t raise idle people. Of course, you\'re Xiao Fen\'s daughter, and I\'ll open it up. Well, you can enter our Xu\'s public relations department. I think this department should be very suitable for you."