Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1079

Qin Fen is not generally shameless, which almost makes warm laugh angrily.

How brazen a man is to say such a thing.

Warmth didn\'t want to talk to her, but on second thought, she decided to be false to her.

"Mom, you are my real mother. When you get old in the future, I will naturally take care of you. But please don\'t introduce me to men in this way in the future. I have hands and feet and will naturally earn money to support you."

She can\'t tear her face.

She also wants to take advantage of her potential to enter Xu\'s family to find out.

"Hey, you child, why are you so stubborn."

Qin Fen patted her hand hypocritically, and her heart could not help but sneer.

So serious, just like the dead ghost.

It\'s a pity that Li Gang was not taken down.

Li\'s project seems to have failed.

But fortunately, the eldest daughter was fooled by herself.

No Li Gang, Wang Gang, Zhao Gang

As long as she wants, she can make her eldest daughter worth it.

"All right, mom, let\'s go back."

Warmth pressed down the disgust in her heart and pulled the corners of her mouth towards Qin Fen.

"OK, let\'s go back."

They each thought and walked forward.

"Mom, I told you that I wanted to enter Xu\'s family?"

"So want to work?"

"Of course, I want to make money by myself, and then I can support you when you are old in the future."

"Why is this child so sensible? OK, I\'ll talk to Lao Xu in the evening."


Warm excuses want to go out for a walk and go their separate ways with Qin Fen.

Qin Fen has no objection.

After all, the contract with Li is yellow, and she has to go back and explain it to Xu Bingkun.

Then discuss with him how to deal with warm things.

They separated harmoniously, and the smile on their warm faces faded.

Turning around, she frowned and looked puzzled.

Everyone has gossip.

At the moment, she was really curious about who beat Li Gang like that!

Seeing that he was afraid of the arrival of him and Qin Fen, was he threatened?

Is it the man sent by Xu Jingxi?

It shouldn\'t be possible.

If she did it, she would certainly talk to herself.

So, what the hell is going on?

With warm apricot eyes shining, he dialed Xu Jingxi out.

Before Xu Jingxi left, he said to let her be safe and call her back, so as to reassure her.

The phone rang twice and was connected.

Xu Jingxi\'s eager voice rang, "warm?"

Warm smile, "well, don\'t worry, I said I\'ll be fine."

"Have you solved the old man so soon? I haven\'t come yet to send someone over!"

Xu Jingxi on the phone was surprised.

"I\'m also curious," he said with a warm smile. "I don\'t know who Li Gang offended. He was beaten up. Then when I went in, he shouted to let Qin Fen and me go away. So Qin Fen had to take me away. He also said that Li\'s enterprise would never cooperate with Xu\'s enterprise. Do you think this is good news?"

"Really? It\'s a little interesting!"

Xu Jingxi laughed and said in silence, "it\'s really a little strange! I just saw the news that the warehouse of Li\'s enterprise was suddenly hit by a fire and suffered heavy losses. Li Gang was beaten again at this point, and the enterprise had another accident! Hiss, I always think someone is helping you!"

"Aren\'t you helping me?"

Warm heart also thought so, and his mouth joked.

"Ha ha! Sorry, if I had this skill, I wouldn\'t have to hide in the dark for so many years!"

"Ha ha, Jingxi, I\'m a good man. I have my own noble people to help me! Just wait for the results."

"Hey, you\'re welcome."
