Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1078

"Ah, boss Li, what\'s the matter with you?"

Qin Fen came in, followed by warmth.

Seeing Li Gang\'s miserable appearance, Qin Fen screamed, hurried over and tried to pull him up.

"Go away, you stay away from me."

Seeing Qin Fen appear, Li Gang angrily stared at her and shook off her touch.

Qin Fen was stunned. "Boss Li, are you hurt?"

"My wound? Am I special..."

Li Gangqiang heaved up from the ground with a sigh and collapsed on the sofa.

Her eyes swept to the warmth of coming in and touched her exploratory eyes. Suddenly she trembled and didn\'t dare to look at her.

"Go, go, all of you. Don\'t come again."

He was so upset that he let himself suffer such an end for a woman!

Do you think what kind of woman Li Gang wants?

He has a nerve to play with such second-hand goods!

"Well, boss Li, you see I brought Xiao Nuan. She came to apologize to you."

Qin Fen looked inexplicable, but she wouldn\'t care about Li Gang\'s life and death. She took warmth forward and didn\'t forget her purpose of coming today.


Li Gang\'s voice shrieked when he heard that he wanted warmth to apologize to him. "Let\'s go. I\'ll let you go. Don\'t you have ears?"

Somebody hurry up and invite these two gods of plague out!

"Well, boss Li, don\'t get angry... Ah."

A cup was thrown at her, and Qin Fen quickly got out of the way.

The old man is so angry.

Why is it different from what I just said on the phone?

"Aren\'t you leaving yet?"

Li Gang glared at Qin Fen fiercely, with an angry look on his face.

"Let\'s go now."

Qin Fen couldn\'t figure out what was wrong with Li Gang. She could only try to ask the question she wanted most, "boss Li, what\'s our contract?"

"What\'s the agreement? Tell you Qin Fen, my Li family enterprise will not have any business dealings with Xu\'s enterprise in the future. Get out, get out!"

Still want to work with him?

He was kind enough not to settle accounts with the Xu family!

The sudden change of Li Gang\'s attitude made Qin Fen at a loss.

Mingming just listened on the phone. He wasn\'t very angry.

Why suddenly

The warmth on one side didn\'t speak all the way, but looked at Li Gang with a puzzled face.

She didn\'t hit the wound on the man.

Just now he looked at himself with a trace of fear.


How could he be afraid of her?

What happened before she came?

"Boss Li, you have a rest first and we\'ll contact you later."

Qin Fen didn\'t have a better idea for a moment. She pulled warmth out of the door of the ward.

The sound of the broken container came from inside. Qin Fen shook her body and tightened her eyebrows.

Glancing at warmth, Qin Fen shook off her hand and looked angry, "Xiao Nuan, did you beat her like this?"

Did she call?

The warm apricot eyes glittered, and the words that came to her mouth were not swallowed by her.

"Mom, you should know my temperament. So don\'t have another time."

No matter who taught Li Gang, let her use it at this juncture!

Let Qin Fen think she played well.

It was a warning to her.

Lest she introduce her to a mess of men next time!

"You... Do you want to be so cruel?"

Qin Fen points to warmth and almost gets angry.

Warm slightly pick eyebrows, quietly.

Qin Fen took a deep breath and pressed down her anger. Her face changed into a motherly face again.

"Xiao Nuan, don\'t blame mom. I\'m doing this for the future of our mother and daughter. You don\'t think I\'m comfortable now, but only I know that these are prosperity floating on the surface. Xiao Nuan, I have my plans, and I just want to depend on you in the future. That\'s why mom is eager to introduce you to a man and ask you to hold your thigh and save more money. I hope you can understand mom A piece of hard work. "