Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1077

The fierce cry sounded, and his fist rained down on him. Li Gang only felt that his bones had been broken and his whole body was in extreme pain.

"Poof! Hero, spare your life! Stop fighting. If you fight again, I\'ll die."

Li Gang hugged his head with both hands and spewed a mouthful of blood from his mouth. He begged for mercy from several people in black.

The three men in black looked at each other, looked at the man who was beaten like a pig\'s head, and kicked him hard again.

One of the men in Black said coldly, "my surname is Li. Our boss asked us to give you a word: don\'t make up your mind. Think about your fault."

Shouldn\'t you make up your mind? Don\'t make up your mind?

Whose idea did he make?

Looking at the man in black turning and striding away, Li Gang said with difficulty, "why don\'t you make it clear before you go?"

Who did he offend?

Who gave him a hard hand secretly?

Li Gang wanted to get up, but fell to the ground without strength.


Who the hell is it!

Find out, he must

The sudden ringing of the mobile phone gave the nervous Li Gang a thrill and almost scared to pee.

He quickly held back his urine, hummed, climbed to the sofa, took his cell phone from the tea table and took a look at it.

The call was from the assistant. Li Gang got through and gasped, "hello."

"Mr. Li, it\'s not good. Our factory suddenly caught fire and burned more than half of the raw materials inside, resulting in heavy losses."


Li Gang\'s breath almost didn\'t come up, and his eyelids turned twice, barely pulling back his mind.

"What\'s the matter? How did it catch fire suddenly?"

"I\'m investigating the specific reasons. I don\'t rule out that it\'s caused by man."

Man made!

Li Gang\'s heart was dripping blood. Thinking of the man in black just now, a nerve tightened again.

"Check it for me quickly!"


Who the hell did he offend?

They beat him up and set fire to his warehouse. What are you warning him!

Li Gang was so upset that when he was about to call, another call came in.

It\'s a strange phone.

Li Gang\'s intuition is that it should be the person behind the scenes.

After swallowing his saliva, Li Gang hurriedly connected the phone.


"Mr. Li, are you satisfied with your gift?"

The man\'s voice was so low and cold that he couldn\'t tell who it was.

"Who the hell are you? How did I offend you?"

"Haven\'t you figured it out yet? Li Gang, you can\'t touch any woman. Remember, don\'t touch the woman you shouldn\'t touch, otherwise it won\'t be so simple to teach you a lesson next time!"

Doodle doodle.

The phone was hung up.

Li Gang listened blankly to the blind voice on the phone and suddenly remembered. Only then did he understand why he was warned.

Is it warm?

Because he had a warm idea?

Li Gang swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and the cold sweat ran straight behind him.

He was obsessed for a moment and forgot that warm was a married woman and who the man behind her was!

So, is that man supporting the warmth?

But since warmth is his favorite, why not find her back and let her live with Qin Fen at Xu\'s house?

But whatever the reason, today he hit the muzzle of a gun and was abused.

Li Gang\'s thoughts were confused, and he just felt the fishy sweetness in his throat surging upward.

What bad luck!

Why should he believe Qin Fen, an old woman!

Li Gang hated and hurt. He bared his teeth and eyes and wanted to get up from the ground.

At this time, the door was pushed open again.

Li Gang shivered and looked at the door with fear on his face.