Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1076

Hearing Xu Jingxi\'s words, the warm corners of his mouth aroused a touch of ridicule.

It\'s meaningless to be extremely cold.

A mother like that has the right to be treated like a stranger.

Warm answered the phone and pressed the connect button.

After connecting, Qin Fen\'s angry voice came from the phone.

"Xiao Nuan, where are you now? How can you hurt boss Li?"

"I don\'t hurt him. Am I waiting to be bullied by him?"

A warm, expressionless reply.

"Xiao Nuan, do you know how rich boss Li is? He\'s lucky to see you! How can you be so ignorant?"

Is it her blessing to see her?

"Mom, I don\'t need such a warm husband. I don\'t need such a cold back."


Qin Fen\'s breathing became heavier. "Xiao Nuan, don\'t be unreasonable. You\'re angry now and your mother won\'t care about you. In the future, you\'ll understand your mother\'s pains. Where are you now? Listen to your mother, come back quickly, and go with me to apologize to boss Li for his forgiveness. Otherwise, boss Li can say, and he\'ll sue you for injury."

"Is he going to sue me? I\'m going to sue him!"

That old man, don\'t you give up?

Aren\'t you afraid she\'ll blow his head again?

"You sue him? What do you sue him for? Rape you?"

Qin Fen threatened, "Xiao Nuan, it\'s not that your mother doesn\'t help you. Boss Li\'s head is hurt, but what about you? What evidence do you have? Listen to your mother, come back quickly, admit your mistake and apologize with boss Li, and don\'t let him really put you in prison. You know, men in business turn their faces faster than books."

Qin Fen used both hard and soft, holding her mobile phone warmly. Even if she repeatedly told herself not to be angry, her anger still couldn\'t stop rising.

"Mom, I can apologize, but you also remember what my personality is. If he messes with me again, I will make him a man all his life!"

He hung up the phone when he finished.

One side of Xu Jingxi listened and a trace of worry flashed on his face, "warm, what are you going to do now?"

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll be fine."

Xu Xi was comforted warmly. "Now I\'m still useful to her. She shouldn\'t tear her face with me for the time being."

And the old man, she\'ll see him again.

"Well, I\'ll find someone to keep an eye on it. I won\'t let anything happen to you."

Xu Jingxi opened his mouth and smiled warmly and gratefully, "thank you."

"Thanks for what? We\'re allies."

They smiled at each other, left contact information with each other, and then went out of the hospital.

At the moment, on the VIP floor of the hospital, fat Li Gang is sitting on the sofa and answering the phone.

"She said she would come and apologize to me? OK, I\'m waiting for you! Mrs. Xu, if your daughter wasn\'t just my type, I wouldn\'t let it go."

"Yes, boss Li, my daughter\'s temperament is a little strong, but it\'s more interesting for such a woman to conquer, isn\'t it?"

"Ha ha, no more. I\'m waiting for you."

Li Gang laughed and hung up the phone.

The fat hand touched his forehead, frowned and hissed.

"Pepper, look how I catch you!"

Accustomed to the goods delivered to the door, it\'s rare to have the mood to subdue a little wild cat.

It must be fun!

Li Gang narrowed his small eyes and thought about his warm and beautiful appearance.

At this time, the door of the ward was pushed open with a bang, and three ferocious people in black walked towards him.

"Who are you... Ah!"