Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1073

I was a little surprised.

She passed out and the last person she saw was her?

So, did she help herself?

She can remember the hostility she showed to herself when they first met.

At this time, the door was pushed open and someone came in.

Warm eyes, looking at the people who appear, my heart suddenly became clear.

It\'s really the woman I met in the mall yesterday.

"You saved me?"

It\'s really fate.

I didn\'t expect her to help her.

Because the first meeting was so unpleasant.

"I saved you. Drink water?"

Someone smiled and poured a glass of water for warmth.

"Thank you."

Warmth is really thirsty. I drank one cup at a time.

After drinking, she wiped the water stains on the corners of her mouth and smiled gratefully at the visitor. "I haven\'t asked the benefactor\'s name yet."

"Xu Jingxi."

Xu Jingxi bent her lips and reported her name.

The woman looked at her eyes without yesterday\'s hostility. She warmed her heart and had too many questions. She smiled and said, "Miss Xu, I don\'t need to introduce myself. You should know my life experience very well."

"Yes! I know very well."

Xu Jingxi sat on the chair beside him and quietly looked at the warmth. "You are the daughter of Qin Fen and her ex husband."

In a word, let the warm apricot eyes shine.

She looked at each other inquisitively. "Miss Xu, do you know my mother?"

Who the hell is this girl?

Why does she always feel that this girl is very hostile to Qin Fen.

"Of course! Warm, my last name is Xu."

Surname Xu!

Warm blinked, and suddenly realized between the lightning and flint.

She remembered that Qin Fen had written to her about the Xu family.

Xu Bingkun has three wives.

The first wife gave birth to a daughter.

So, is the girl in front of you Xu Bingkun\'s eldest daughter?

"Miss Xu, are you the daughter of the Xu family?"


Xu Jingxi hooked his lips, and the sarcasm in his apricot eyes flashed by.

The warmth didn\'t miss the coolness and sarcasm in her eyes, and she suddenly felt thoughtful.

Obviously, she hates the Xu family.

Perhaps the person she hates most is Qin Fen.

Otherwise, she could not have been so hostile to herself when she first met herself.

Because she is Qin Fen\'s daughter.

She hates the house.

"Miss Xu, you hate my mother, don\'t you?"

Looking at Xu Jingxi warmly and calmly, I know that the girl has pain in her heart.

"Yes! Your mother seduced my father, causing my mother to suffer from depression and die in a car accident. Don\'t you think I should hate her?"

Xu Jingxi looked warm. Although her tone was calm, her clenched fist betrayed her mood at the moment.

She was trying to suppress her inner anger.

Also, for a person who destroyed her original ecological family and killed her mother, it would be nice if she didn\'t stab her with a knife.

Warm pursed his lips. "That\'s why you hated me so much when you first met me? Because I\'m her daughter. But why did you just change your mind to save me?"

"Because I found that Qin Fen didn\'t treat you as a daughter at all. What\'s more, I found that we might be an alliance."

Xu Jingxi didn\'t avoid, but looked at the warmth and admitted to each other.


So is Xu Jingxi actually waiting for an opportunity to retaliate against the Xu family?

Miss Xu and I really want to take revenge, but Miss Xu and I want to be home together

"The daughter of the Xu family is not Xu Jingxi, but Xu Jiaojiao. From the moment my mother died, I didn\'t regard myself as the daughter of the Xu family."