Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1074

Don\'t think of yourself as the daughter of the Xu family?

As soon as I heard this, I knew that Xu Jingxi must have a lot to say.

Warm sat up straight, "Jingxi, can I call you that?"

"Of course." Xu Jingxi smiles.

"Can you tell me more about the Xu family?"

Qin Fen didn\'t dig out much useful things from her mouth before.

I hope to hear more about the Xu family from Xu Jingxi.


Xu Jingxi looked at the warmth and slowly opened his mouth.

"My father and my mother fall in love freely. Xu\'s enterprise can have today\'s glory. My mother has laid a great foundation. She has provided all her possessions so that my father can cross the mall."

Free love?

She thought Xu Jingxi\'s parents must have been married in business.

After all, many stories begin with this stereotype.

Warm your heart and keep your ears straight.

"But my father is an ungrateful man. He never loved my mother at all. He loved my mother\'s property."

Xu Jingxi looked at the void ahead, Continue: "My grandfather only gave birth to my mother\'s daughter. My grandmother died early, so my grandfather loved her very much. Therefore, after my father coaxed my mother into his hands with sweet words, my grandfather obviously didn\'t like my father, but because he couldn\'t beat my mother, he let my mother marry him. After my father married my mother, he asked my mother to take all the dowry out to him to run a company and do business Cause. "

"My father is really a business genius. He has developed the company in just a few years. But he is not satisfied. He is very ambitious and will use all resources. I don\'t know how he hooked up with your mother. While secretly hooking up with her, he hooked up with another rich businessman, his second wife."

"My mother had already discovered the abnormality. She was pregnant with a second child and was becoming more and more unstable. When my mother was five months pregnant, once she learned that my father was going to see your mother. She was very excited and drove out to find him recklessly. Then, that night, she had a car accident and hit a big truck, one body and two lives."

Speaking of this, Xu Jingxi\'s hand clenched his fist, with uncontrollable pain and hatred on his face.

There were tears in her eyes, but she looked up stubbornly to keep them from falling.

Warm silence, because she knows that at this time, what others say is useless.

The pain of cutting the skin can only be digested by the parties themselves.

Xu Jingxi calmed down and continued to talk about the Xu family. "After my mother died, my father married his second wife not long ago. The woman\'s family power was unusual, which greatly improved the Xu business. She also gave birth to a son for him, Xu Shixun, the second young master of the Xu family."

"But that woman is a short-lived ghost. She died after giving birth to her son. Then, you should know, my father swallowed your father\'s company to expand Xu\'s family and married your mother home."

At this point, Xu Jingxi has made the development history of the Xu family very clear.

Warm heart is filled with emotion.

This Xu Bingkun is really ambitious.

Making a fortune from a woman and marrying three wives can help your company.

Such a man, like a wolf, eats people without spitting bones.

I don\'t know what Qin Fen likes about him!

"Well, I\'ve told you about the Xu family. My father has no love for my mother. Therefore, even if I destroy the Xu family, I will avenge my mother. So warm, do you want to join hands with me to deal with the Xu family? Or are you still thinking about the mother daughter relationship and want to renew the mother daughter relationship with your mother?"